There are a huge host of benefits to welcoming a pet to your home. They can offer us company and companionship, they can be great for helping kids learn about responsibility and trust, and they can even make our lives a little healthier. However, looking after one kind of pet is not the same thing as looking after another, by any means. As such, we’re going to look at some of the most popular options and what may or may not make them a good fit for your home.
Fish are good for beginners

If you’re looking for the most beginner-friendly pets that you can welcome into your home and one that doesn’t require as much fuss or hassle as some of the others that we will look at, then fish might be the thing for you. They do require care, there’s no doubt about that, but most of it goes into providing a healthy and safe environment for them, such as cleaning and decorating their tank, and checking in on their health, which you can go here to learn about.
Of course, the trade-off with fish is that they’re not as interactive as some other pets, and some people might not find much of a bond with them as they might with other animals. They can make for a wonderful visual addition to the home, however, and are relatively short-lived, in most cases, so they are rarely a huge investment.
Hamsters are easy to care for
Sticking with the beginner-friendly kinds of pets, you might want to get one that doesn’t require a ton of attention but still has the “cute” factor known for mammals, and they are well-behaved with children. There’s a lot of confusion between hamsters and guinea pigs, which are quite different in temperament, but it’s worth knowing that hamsters are rather docile creatures, and there’s a very low risk of anyone getting bit by one. It’s not impossible, but it’s not likely.
That said, hamsters are a lot more engaging than fish, they don’t take up a lot of space, and they’re easy to keep in a cage. Hamsters can bond with their family, too. Just be aware that their cages can be costly and do require regular upkeep.
Guinea pigs are a little more active

Hamsters, while cute, can be a little lacking in the personality and engagement department and, if you’re looking for a pet that’s a lot more active and vibrant, then a guinea pig might be the thing that you’re looking for. As mentioned, guinea pigs can be a little more likely to bite if they’re startled or threatened, so care has to be taken to win their affection but, when you do, they can be very affectionate, indeed.
As for their needs, guinea pigs need a cage, exercise, and toys. However, unlike hamsters, they are more social and explorative creatures, so they’re also going to need more time outside of their cage. If you’re looking for pets to keep confined all of the time, then guinea pigs might not actually be the right option for you.
Dogs are wonderful family pets

Of course, one of the most popular options, especially for those who are willing to put in more time and to actively pay more attention to their pets, dogs are well beloved for a reason. They are some of the most loyal companions you ask for when raised right, and treat their family like members of the same pack, creating a bond that is hard to replicate across the animal world. That said, there are many different breeds of dogs, each of them with different temperaments and needs.
For instance, if you’re looking for a family dog, then you might want to check this website for fitting breeds like labradors. Others can be a little more independent or a little more likely to bond with one person, in particular. You need to be able to dedicate a lot to the care of a dog, including space, money for bedding and toys, time to take them out on walks, and more.
Cats are full of personality

A lot of people like the fact that dogs are super affectionate and loyal, but others might prefer a pet that has a sense of more independence. Now, this isn’t to say that cats don’t form strong bonds with their owners. Many cat owners can tell you about feline companions who love nothing more than sitting on their lap and snuggling, but other cats can be a lot more independent, preferring to spend time close to, but not actually on their owner.
Just like dogs, cats come in all kinds of breeds, as shown at this site, many of them with different temperaments and needs that should always be considered. Cats can be excellent teachers for children who need to learn about how to give animals their boundaries, as well. They don’t require as much exercise in the outdoors as goods, but you should ensure they have plenty of toys and stimulation.
Lizards are fascinating
Stepping away from the world of mammals, lizards might not be the most likely pick for the family, and they definitely don’t come with the penchant for affection that you will see from the mammals mentioned above, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t bond with their humans or enjoy the interaction. Many of them do. Lizards do not need as much exercise as many other pets, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t require care.
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind when looking after a lizard is providing the proper care of their tank. This means decorating it in a way that suits their needs, keeping it clean and, most importantly, heating it right. Lizards are cold-blooded creatures and most of them require that their tank is supplied with heat regularly This can be quite expensive, especially if you have a larger cage.
Another aspect of lizard care is that you have to get used to handling animals to feed them, whether tey are chilled crickets or even feeder mice. As such, they might not be the best choice for owners who are, in any way, squeamish.
Birds can be really smart companions

Mammals aren’t the only creatures that can form complex and emotional bonds with their owners. Just ask any bird owner, There are many different kinds of birds, with varying levels of intelligence, but most of them that are commonly kept as pets are social creatures who will form bonds with their owners. Many birds have a “favorite family member,” and some breeds can be quite protective and territorial.
Parrots and parakeets, in particular, can be very intelligent and form complicated relationships. In fact, some breeds are even said to be relatively intelligent as a toddler. The smarter a bird is, the more likely they are to need constant companionship. This can make them a good pet for someone who spends most of their time at home, but otherwise, you might want to think about getting two instead of one. Otherwise, stress can really negatively affect their health.
With the tips above, you should hopefully have a better idea of what you can expect from the various kinds of pets out there, and how they might be welcomed in your home. Of course, pets are individuals, not a monolith, so the nature of your relationship is likely to unveil itself more as time goes on. It’s a period of discovery, so don’t stick too rigidly to your expectations.
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