Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

Weddings are the most beautiful day when it is planned right! However, no matter how much you have planned, you may still get some wedding regrets. Yes, after the big day, you may still find yourself having “I wish I had done this differently” moments. After thinking about my very own wedding regrets, I thought I would share some common wedding regrets and tips on how to avoid them!


1. The Guest List Dilemma

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

One of the most frequent wedding regrets for brides would have to be the guest list. I know it can be tricky to balance between inviting everyone you love without blowing your budget. Ultimately making you feel a little stress about who should be attending.


  • Prioritize quality over quantity by focusing on inviting people who genuinely care about you and your partner. Remember that it is better to have an intimate gathering where you can have meaningful interactions than a large crowd where you can’t connect with everyone.
  • Be clear with family and friends about your guest list boundaries. This will help avoid any last-minute pressure to invite more people. Your wedding, your rules!


2. Budgeting Balance

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

If you haven’t heard the news yet, I hate to be the one to break it to you but weddings can be expensive. I mean really expensive and unfortunately, it’s easy to get carried away with spending since this is a huge day in your life. Which causes many brides to regret not sticking to their budget or not budgeting for unexpected expenses.


  • Create a Detailed Budget. You are going to outline every potential expense, from the venue and catering to smaller details like favours and tips. You want to write down all that you can think of and add in any additional ones that snuck up on you. Use my checklist if you need some ideas and snag one from my jaw-dropping free resource library!
  • Don’t forget to Set Priorities. Decide on which elements are most important to you and allocate your budget accordingly. Remember that if you are going to splurge on one thing, then you should be cutting back on a less crucial area in your wedding.


3. Skimping on Photography and Videography

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

Photos and videography are captured moments you don’t want to live without. Years down the line, your captured moments will be something you will view and share with others. Some brides regret not investing more in professional photography and videography, but you don’t have to break the bank to capture the perfect shot.


  • Research local photographers and videographers.
  • Don’t rely only on wedding website directories, there are plenty of local photographers and videographers out there to discover.
  • Hire a photographer and videographer whose style you love. These professionals will capture the moments you’ll cherish forever.
  • Test out the photographer before your wedding, for example, hire them for your engagement photos.


4. Not Providing a Photoshoot List

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams
Being your own wedding planner can be stressful and at some point, you will get decision fatigue. Not having a photoshoot list was on my list of regrets because I wanted to leave the photoshoot creativity to the photographer and take one less decision off my plate. What ended up happening was that I missed some crucial shots that I didn’t realize I wanted until it was too late.



5. Ignoring Personal Touches

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

Don’t get caught up with the current wedding trends because trends are temporary. It comes in style just as fast as it goes out of style which is why some brides regret not adding personal touches. Your wedding shouldn’t be what others think your wedding should look like, it should be customized to you and your unique love story.


  • Infuse your wedding with meaningful elements. What do you two love? What things are meaningful to you? Show it through decor, music, or rituals.
  • Don’t feel pressured to conform to expectations. Your wedding should be a reflection of your love and personality.


6. Overlooking Comfort

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

It is often the regret of many brides on their wedding day to overlook the comfort of the day. I am talking about not wearing uncomfortable shoes and skipping meals, however, prioritizing your comfort on their wedding day is important.


  • Choose attire and shoes that are just as comfortable as they are beautiful. If you truly want to wear a specific shoe during the ceremony, you can always switch to more comfortable shoes for the reception.
  • Make sure you schedule time to eat, hydrate, and take breaks. You may be the star of your wedding but you should have someone there to make sure you are well taken care of.


7. The Timeline Trap & No Contingency Plan

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

Remember that a wedding day flies by, after all, there is limited time in one day which means you need to plan accordingly. A poorly planned timeline or not having a well-thought-out schedule can lead to rushed moments and missed opportunities. Ensure that you also have a backup plan so you can avoid any stress and disappointment.


  • Have a contingency plan for bad weather, especially if you have planned an outdoor wedding. Think about renting tents and umbrellas, or have an indoor option ready just in case.
  • Allow enough time for each part of your day, including getting ready, travelling, and photos. Also, add extra time to your schedule for any delays.
  • Make sure your bridal party, family, and vendors are all aware of the timeline to keep everyone on the same page.


8. Underestimating DIY Projects

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

I love diy wedding projects because they add a personal touch to your wedding, but they can also lead to last-minute stress if not managed properly. For my wedding, I found that there were still last-minute DIY projects that I needed to finish which was not easy to do.


  • Make a list of the projects that need to be done.
  • Begin your DIY projects well in advance of your wedding date to avoid last-minute rushes.
  • Be realistic about what you can accomplish yourself. It’s okay to ask friends or family for help or even hire professionals for certain tasks to reduce stress.


9. Missing Moments & Forgetting to Enjoy the Moment

Top 9 Wedding Regrets and How to Prevent Them | City of Creative Dreams

It feels like relaxing is not until the honeymoon because, on your wedding day, you may find yourself pulled in a hundred different directions. It goes in a blink of an eye which is no wonder why many brides regret not taking time to soak in the moments with their partner and guests. Amidst all the planning and chaos, it’s easy to forget to enjoy the day itself.


  • Plan a few minutes alone with your partner throughout the day to take in the moment together. Try to choose moments before planned photoshoots.
  • If possible, assign tasks to trusted friends or family members so you can focus on enjoying your day rather than managing logistics.
  • Take moments throughout the day to pause, breathe, and soak in the experience.


Final Thoughts

Alright, that’s my list of wedding regrets but what we do have in common is that no wedding is ever going to be perfect. Like you, we had to accept that not everything will go exactly as planned. Therefore focus on the joy and love surrounding you rather than striving for perfection. Yes, your wedding day is one of the most special days of your life, and while it’s natural to worry about making it perfect, remember that it’s about celebrating your love with those who matter most. Enjoy your day without any wedding regrets!
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