Even though there are months before the big day, you already started the preparations to be the best version of yourself. A part of those plans is a beauty regime so that you would look perfect on the wedding day. Bridal beauty regime can seem demanding and pricey, but if you organize your schedule well ahead, you can have it all.
Prepare your face

Continue with the regular everyday beauty regime of cleaning your face in the morning and in the evening. Visit a beauty salon once a month for deep cleansing, exfoliation and nourishing of your skin. You can do weekly exfoliation and use masks at home, as well. Buy products with hyaluronic acid to remove the fine lines on your face. Don’t forget to include the neck area in the whole routine. Avoid touching your face as much as possible and use the minimum makeup.
Whiten your teeth

White teeth are an unavoidable part of the wedding pictures and you’ll want your own to shine like pearls. Besides a toothpaste with whitening effect, you can try strips and commercial gels. However, the best effect you’ll achieve is if you schedule a whitening treatment at your dentist’s office. This treatment can be pricey but will have a lasting effect for a long time. However, don’t do it too often since that will damage the enamel and make your teeth sensitive to hot and cold.
Manicure your nails

Your hands and nails also need preparations to look great on the wedding day. Regular visits to the manicure will keep your nails healthy and cuticles in control. This will give you an opportunity to try different colors and nail lengths. You can opt for gel technique for more lasting effect and better appearance. However, it can easily destroy the nail bed, therefore, make sure that you choose the right manicurist.
Makeup and hair trials

Schedule the first makeup and hair trials couple of months before the wedding. This is enough time to figure out the changes and even try several different combinations. Take pictures in the wedding dress and show them to your hairstylist and makeup artist. That way they can have the complete picture of what to suggest and try. Put on false lashes and see which ones feel the most comfortable. You can choose some more permanent brow and lashes methods, like microblading and extensions respectively.
Eat Healthier

Changing eating habits months before the wedding will help you with several things, not just your weight. The food we eat affects the hormones and chemicals in our body, and in turn, they influence the condition of our skin, nails, hair, and mood. You can download one of many apps to help you plan your meals and grocery list. Additionally, you should consult a nutritionist and start taking supplements like Marine Collagen to replenish vitamins and mineral deposits in your body.

After changing your eating habits, the next would be to plan your activity program. You can opt for outdoor activities like running or cycling. Alternatively, you can join a gym and start a more serious exercise to tone your muscles as well. The ideal combination is to do both, but with wedding planning on the way, you probably won’t have enough time. If the circumstances allow, hire a personal trainer and come up with the adequate exercise regime for your goals.
If you organize your beauty schedule in time, you’ll be able to have your dream wedding look in time. However, if you consider some more aggressive techniques like plastic surgery make sure that you know what to expect. The recovery period and complications could get in the way with your other routines and ruin your plans. Instead, consult your dermatologist for other solutions like hyaluronic fillers and ultrasound devices.
Contributed courtesy of Hannah Thomas.
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