If you know someone who is going to be having a baby or is a new mom then you must be wondering what is the ultimate gift for a new mom? Finding baby gifts are pretty easy because everything is so darn cute in the baby store. I mean come on, little tiny baby clothes with sweet words on it. If you don’t say “Aww” at least once then you haven’t seen the shoes.
But what about mom? It can get very hard to pick something for a friend or family member that is different or simply not what everyone is going to get her.
My suggestion is that you stick to things that will make this new mom special. This is the first time being a new parent and with all that anxiety and excitement comes the lack of personal care and love. The new baby will be getting it all. These perfect gift ideas for new moms should do the trick. Remind her to pamper herself in the midst of this new adventure.
Related: Turn your photo into museum-quality drawings.
Comfy Footwear

New moms need some comfy footwear, after all, there are going to be some late nights and days when she will never really be off her feet. Slide comfy socks onto her feet with awesome reading socks, you really do not have to read when wearing them but enjoy the comfort. I prefer reading socks during the day and slippers at night. Depending on the slippers, I find that it is harder to run around in them. Nighttime is a more relaxed state so slower walking around.
I know for me asking for help was a little hard when I was a new parent. I thought that I needed to know everything and be the perfect parent, however, getting help from friends and family is the best gift for me. Something as simple as watching the baby for a couple of hours to do something for yourself or to catch up on sleep makes a difference. You can find an in-home cleaning service or book an in-home massage for the new mom to help with the stress or anxiety that all moms get.

When you think about new moms, you think they are so going to need some coffee. I mean what else will keep them up when they are sleep-deprived? Whether your new mom is a tea lover or a can’t live without coffee kind of lady, then look no further than a mug or tumbler. I think it is best to do both only because moms will not always be home to need a mug or will need a tumbler to go out. For an added bonus, you can add some tea bags or coffee beans you think she will like. It will give this mom the energy boost or calming satisfaction any new mom needs.
Gift Card
Nothing is better than you choose your own gift. Sometimes we get things that are just not our style or taste and then ultimately it doesn’t get used or are forgotten. So having a gift card allows the new mom to get things that she wants and will use. To make your gift card stand out, you can add a personal touch by telling her how you feel from the heart. Don’t just add your name and leave it like that. Make it personal so it counts.
Natural Living Start Kits

Sometimes it is not until you have a child that you think about getting more on the natural side of things. That is why diffusers and essential oils are so popular right now. Everyone is starting to want more natural cleaning and natural products. I know it was the same for me when I had my son, I had a sudden moment while pregnant that I desired things better for me and my son. That begins my journey. Now that she has a bundle of joy, the desire of having natural products to better both herself and the baby is common.
My recommendation is to get a bundle kit from places like Young Living, it has a lot of oils and even a diffuser for when mom and baby are in any mood. It is great, especially for beginners, you learn a ton about what is good to use. That is what I got myself and was hooked ever since. Young Living is not an online store, you do have to sign up through someone (like me!).
However, you can get similar products like your favourite lavender cream (*great for calming relaxation*) from stores like Sage or Bath & Body Works or even The Honest Company for natural cleaning products.
Related:Â Why I Started Using Essential Oils?
Among my natural products idea, think about creating your own gift basket filled with natural everyday body care. Think body creams or soaps. Try not to get things like bath salts or bath bombs because let’s face it, new moms may not have the time to sit down and relax in a bathtub any time soon. My suggestions are to get products that either give them the natural energy they need during the day or lavender products that will help them rest at night. Lavender is also very calming which is great for stressful times.
Related:Â Skin Essence Organics Facial Cleanser Review
New moms need to look and feel great even though they are not getting much sleep or might not be going out as often as before. I love the idea of getting clothing sometimes because it is something that doesn’t really expire. Not only is this gift something she can use but she can keep this forever.
When deciding what to get think about clothing with simple but awesome sayings. Concentrate on what she wears in her everyday life and get something along those lines for both t-shirts, sweaters or even PJs. Make is obviously geared towards motherhood or keep it straightforward with classic colours.
Ultimate Gift Ideas for New Moms
Reading Socks or Slippers | Mug or Tumbler | Essential Oil Starter Kit or Lavender Body | Sweater | Sleep Tee | Decor | Eye Mask
Final Thoughts
These are perfect gift ideas for new moms, in my opinion. They are simple items that really make a difference in a new mom’s life even if you think it is too small to notice. A gift is always noticed regardless of how big or small it may be. It is from the heart that really matters and not the money behind it. I hope this article gives you some ideas on what you can buy for a new mom.
*This post contains affiliate links. Opinions are 100% my own. For more information, see my disclosures page.*Â
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