It was about time that I brought my son to the Science Centre. We live so close to it that you would think that we would have gone there by now. Better late than never, I suppose. We had so much fun there and my son had a blast with all the interactive activities. There wasn’t much of anything that he couldn’t touch or play with and that to me was pretty awesome. Watching him discover all the neat things you can do was a precious moment. It was just us (no siblings of mine this time) so he got to play and meet other kids.

There is also this giant slide that was fun outside. Felt like I was hiking through the forest and walking on a trail. A few animals… well mostly fish, turtle and lizards. I loved the waterfall! I would stay in there way longer if I could. We walked the whole entire centre, I didn’t want my son to miss a single thing. He loved everything but his eyes lit up when he saw the spaceship model and the huge train.

The only thing that I did not like, is the lack of attention some of the volunteers had with their camp groups. They looked about the age of middle school so it was basically having a child watch a group of kids plus one staff member that I saw on occasion. I did not enjoy the camp kids pushing screaming. At one point I watch children tackle each other so I removed my son from the area. Parents took notice of the same thing as well. Overall, we had lots and lots of fun! I will have to go back again!