Spacious gardens are one of the most valued wonders of today’s real estate world since there are so many people spending their lives in small apartments with no outside area. That’s why you need to appreciate your outdoor oasis and give it the love and attention it deserves – and it will definitely find a way to thank you for it!
There’s no better way of doing something good for your garden than paying attention to the details that can make you a calmer and happier person, and these are the things you should do in order to make the most of your backyard. It can easily become a place of refuge for your body, mind, and soul if you follow a few simple rules, so here’s how to introduce an element of tranquillity into your garden.
The Sanctuary Garden: Creating a Place of Refuge in Your Garden
A Water Feature
Listening to the calming sound of water and enjoying your day off is one of the most special feelings in the world, and it’s actually easier to achieve than most people think. All you have to do is find a water feature that suits you the most and turn it into the focal point of your outdoor space.
There are lots of ideas you can choose from, but what most people seem to opt for are water fountains, small ponds, swimming pools and water walls, so explore these and see how they can be incorporated into your outdoor space. You can even try designing and building them on your own, thus saving some money and adding a personal touch to your water feature.
Flower Power

You don’t have to love flowers to be able to appreciate how amazing they are, so don’t be afraid to bring them into your garden even if you’re not their biggest fan. Flowers can calm you down and add a new layer of aesthetic appeal to your outdoor space, so all you need to do is pick which ones you’re going to plant first and how you’re going to combine your favourite types. Of course, don’t forget to pick the ones that are easy to maintain and thus won’t take too much of your time and energy.
In addition to the visual presentation, flowers can also help your garden stand out and truly become an important part of your home and a spot where you can spend a huge amount of your free time. After all, everybody loves hanging out around beautiful flowers in the spring and summer.
A Place of Your Own
No matter how stressed out, tired or annoyed you are, spending some time in the open will help you relax and take your mind off of your daily problems. Therefore, arranging a spot in your garden where you can sit for hours and basically do whatever you want is quite important.
The best way to do so is by building a patio or a porch that’s going to connect your indoor and outdoor space as a sort of middle-ground between the two living areas. Additionally, if you decorate it with durable and
visually attractive patio slabs, your outdoor sanctuary will become even more welcoming and enjoyable, so think about this idea and see how much it can enhance your outdoor living space.
Comfortable Furniture
Whether you decide to build a deck, a porch or a patio, or just scatter a couple of chairs on the lawn, you have to keep your comfort and enjoyment in mind at all times. This means that whatever furniture you opt for has to be as comfy as possible, as well as visually appealing and esthetically pleasing, of course.
You can choose lots of different pieces of furniture, but if you’re in doubt, just add a huge couch or sectional sofa and a few armchairs, and you’re good to go! Throw a small coffee table into the mix as well, but don’t overcrowd your outdoor seating area – instead, leave lots of free space for you to move around and maneuver between your furniture.
Quiet Time
The absolutely best way to ensure your garden is peaceful and soothing is to
turn it into a meditation area where you can feel free and regain your inner peace of mind in a matter of minutes. What you need to do first is come up with a proper design and assign every piece of the puzzle its own place – from your meditation cushion and your fish pond to the relaxing music and naturally scented candles. Once you achieve this, you’ll have your own private oasis you’ll be able to enjoy every single day and meditate all your troubles away.
All these ideas may seem hard and complicated at first but are actually easy to achieve, so pick the ones you love the most and start turning them into reality as soon as possible!
Contributed courtesy of Emma Joyce.
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