It is almost 2017! But like every year, we cannot kick off the new year until we do our own very own countdown of the best and most popular posts of this present year. Now I have to admit that this year has not been filled with as many crafts, recipes or post as much as I would have liked (adding that to my list of goals for 2017 as we speak) but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had a few gems here and there. These are my top popular posts of 2016! I hope is gets you just as excited as it has for me!
First on my list are these white chocolate caramel cupcakes. My mouth waters every time I see this photo. It was also the first time I bothered with adding icing to my cupcakes. I am still not an icing person but I decided to try it out and give it a chance for these cupcakes. To my surprise, the icing wasn’t as bad as I thought. I won’t put this in writing but, you may see more icing on my cupcakes for the new year.

This year I also got to try out this Buddha Board that helps calm your stressful self out. If I had the time to bring this out all the time I would do it. I think it definitely calms me and I believe it is perfect for kids who need to relax after a meltdown or just for parents who had to deal with a meltdown. Simple water painting on a board can bring such a relaxing feeling… similar to a glass of wine… or a really exciting juice… or a white chocolate caramel cupcake.

I don’t want to toot my own horn but this year had a bunch of cool giveaways. I love getting to share these fun giveaways, not only do you possibly get something out of it but you get to meet very cool bloggers that you may have never heard of if you haven’t entered to win. Don’t worry 2017 will have just as much awesome giveaways like this year. These two are just the top two!

And the winner goes too…. my spring monogram canvas garden. This project was so much fun to make! I create it for my littlest sister who I think is a flower. I wanted to give her side of the bedroom a spring of color and some girly but not too girly touches. Then a letter of her first name as a cherry on top.

There you have it we counted down from six the most popular and best posts of 2016. With that, I think that I am ready for a new year. Let’s pop corks and cheers to the weekend because as soon as the ball drops and it is Sunday we have hit a brand new year! Thanks for all the love!