Have a goal of spending less? It is a new year which always means, a new you with new goals that you desired. The number one new year’s resolution is to lose weight but what about losing weight in your wallet? We all don’t want to do that. You want to spend less and save […]
The Survivalist Guide to Eating on the Go

That Monday finally came, or the 1st of the month, when you decided and started to take care of your diet and pay attention to what you eat. Now that you’re on this path you want to take care of all possible temptations and circumstances which will prevent you to stay true to this kind […]
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The Best of 2016

It is almost 2017! But like every year, we cannot kick off the new year until we do our own very own countdown of the best and most popular posts of this present year. Now I have to admit that this year has not been filled with as many crafts, recipes or post as much […]
5 Reasons to Avoid Artificial Colors

So food looks pretty, we see it, we know it. Our eyes are the sole captain of navigating our minds and hearts. Those bright colours sucking you into buying these claimed sweet treats that are not harmful at all to you. Then buttering you up with affordable prices that just seals the deal of getting […]
How to Achieve Self Peace with Buddha Board

As you can tell this week is going to be a Buddha-full week! That is because I have teamed up with the Buddha Board and Guidecentral for three posts in total! Yesterday, I shared a stylish Buddha Board Case Cover that I made. Now, I had decided to share tips on How to Achieve Self […]
My Top Organizing Tip

Want in on a little secret? I love sharing any advice that can help similar busy moms, women, bloggers and friends that can make life a little bit easier. We all get busy, if it not the kids you have, school, work or blogging then it is something else that just keeps life on the […]
4 Tips to Getting A Financial Workout in 2016

This new year is for changes just like every year, and I am not talking about a different shade of lipstick or a new hairstyle type of change. I am talking about finances. Ughh… right, who wants to talk about finance. I know but in order to make changes, you have to talk about it. […]
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The Best of 2015

Say Goodbye to 2015 and Hello to 2016! Can you believe that we are already heading into a new year? Time sure went by fast. As usual, it is going to take me a few days or even months to remember to change the year when I write down any date. Even though that happens […]
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How To Get A Perfect French Manicure

Being a busy working mom, I don’t have time to really treat myself to all the glam and sparkle of doing my nails. I either get interrupted when doing my nails or it just never gets near the top of my to-do list. I do enjoy looking at my nails and seeing it look pretty […]
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Black Friday Wishlist

Black Friday in Canada! I personally love the fact that there are so many savings on things we all want. I don’t do the crowds part or waiting in line for hours. I like to sit from home and order from the comfort of my own bed. No stress! No Crowds! No hassle! Only great […]
5 Important Things Staying Behind If Deserted on Island

You must have been asked this before maybe even over a million times, “If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?” You never know if this would happen one day and I would have to bring three things with me. Honestly, I don’t know what five or four or three […]
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Tween (or Pretween) First Period Essentials

There comes a time in every girl’s life when we, you know, have that time of the month for the first time. That is right, we are talking about how to prepare your child for her period. “Woah! Hold on… I am not ready for that right now.” Or “I still have years until then” […]
My Top 10 Fav TV Shows of All Time

Dear lovers of TV like myself, I thought I would kick my feet up, grab a snack and slide over the remote to turn on my top five fav TV shows of all time. This fall season has been pretty spectacular, with breakout awesome shows like Quantico and Empire, I have loads of new shows […]
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Easy App to Declutter Your Wallet!

How many reward cards do you have? Be honest. Around five to ten? I personally have six whereas my mother has a wallet full that isn’t even her main wallet. So she has a phone wallet case for her most important cards and then a wallet on the side just for reward cards. It drives […]
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My ‘Can’t Live Without’ Morning Products

The natural way, all the way! If you have been keeping up on my blog, you would realize that I mostly share products that I love that are natural and well you guessed it, good for your body. These products are no stranger to the blog, in fact, I did individual reviews for some of […]