Do you have the time for spring cleaning? Maybe this year is just too busy. Not all of us have the time to really deep clean our homes for spring cleaning season. Which is totally alright. That is more dedicated to the weekend or when there is not a whole lot on your plate. This is also for those who want to spread their spring cleaning out into smaller tasks which not only helps the cleaning process to be less stressful. Also, enjoy the bonus of having more time to do other things.
Bathroom Shower
I am hoping that you are not waiting for spring cleaning to give your shower a clean because that would be one hard shower or tub to clean. Instead of waiting to do a deep scrub, clean your shower after every shower. On the weekends, when you have a little more time, you can pick on an extra thing you can do to keep it clean such as the grout. Try using vinegar and water for all natural clean.

It is ever so easy to gain a messy bookshelf, however, if you keep an eye on it every once in a while you can save yourself the hassle of having to do a huge cleanout. If a book is out of place, correct it right away, don’t tell yourself that you will do it later. You won’t. Also, if you don’t remember what is on your bookshelf chances are that you don’t need them. Old college books can be donated and if your young child doesn’t need books that are not in their age bracket anymore then it is time for it to go.

That couch of yours could use some love. Crumbs always find their way between the cushions and don’t get me started about under your couch. Remember when cleaning your couch that a vacuum helps get the job done fast and to vacuum both sides of your seat cushions. Not just one. Think about flipping the seats in order to give both side equal use. If you have your furniture right up against the wall make sure to get the dust and dirt that have been hidden back there.
Junk Drawer
We all have a junk drawer, some are in the kitchen, near the front door or in our home office. Yes, it is the one spot where we procrastinate cleaning. We will get to it later, right? Well, today is the day. Take out that drawer and really go through it. The best case scenario is that you don’t need much of anything and can simply throw away. I mean it. Don’t think about keeping things because you think you might need it sometime this year. If you haven’t needed yet then you won’t need it later.
Wall Wash Down
It is always amazing how dirty our home walls can get. Our eyes get so adjusted to the dark off-white walls that we really don’t notice unless we clean the wall and see the difference. Wall cleaning is not the most fun. I know for me, I can’t stand the Mr.Clean sponge disintegrate under my hand in seconds. An easy way is to use a J Cloth or a Swiffer with a handle and go over the walls with it. Save your hands the trouble! Save the Mr.Clean for the tougher spots like crayon or pen marks.
Final Thoughts
Don’t over stress yourself about spring cleaning. As much as I love this time of year I know that not many do. So keep it simple, give yourself small tasks to get the job done. Before you know it your spring cleaning will be nothing but a blur and you will sit back and relax until the next cleaning season.
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