This post was sponsored by Wayfair.
Living with a small space can seem so frustrating. If you have been following me for the past six years then, you know that I have changed areas in my home numerous times. Sometimes one area three times but it is all about the growth as a person and accepting when one area is no longer working for you or your family. Yes, small spaces just need a little creativity.
I am going to share my favourite projects in my home to show you how you can fake a small space with furniture and organization and how you can get the same look using awesome Wayfair products.
Small Space Entry Closet
My entry closet proceeds to be the most popular post on my site by far. Why? With so many people in my family (six of us in a three bedroom apartment), we have a lot of stuff. When I am talking about stuff for the entry closet, I am talking about shoes, jackets for all seasons, hats and gloves. Oh my! A lot seems like an understatement when I think about it.
Our entry closet is far from huge. It seemed big when we first moved in but we have many things to put in there. So, what do I do? I have to use small space organization strategies to design a space that we can actually use effectively because simply tossing shoes inside wasn’t doing it. Plus, it was messing with my sanity.
To really provide space and storage in your entry closet, it is a must to use baskets, shelving to hold shoes or even hooks as I have used in mine. These simple additions really opened up the space to be more organized and easy for everyone to find what they need when they need it.

Hand Woven Moroccan Wicker Basket | Half Solid Wood Crate | Hamm Wall Mounted Coat Rack
Living Room Space Decorating
For the living room, because of how it is shaped, it creates an awkward small space. In order to make it functional, I needed to play around with the shape. We got rid of our old sectional and bought three-seater couch to create a separation between the dining room and the living room then added some chairs to the side to open up some more space.
You really need to create your own areas in the home in order to make it your own. Try to avoid large furniture in your home that takes up too much space. You don’t want to limit the amount of space you already have. Also, think about getting small space furniture that is moveable, such as using poofs that you can store under your coffee table when you are not using it or ottomans that can be used as storage and seating.
A quality entertainment center that has shelving space will save you from having to get too many large and bulky furniture pieces that you don’t need. Stick to ones that you can align the wall with as well as create a feature entertainment area where most of your things are hidden. This will remove any feeling of clutter.
Related: Living Room Makeover Reveal

Small Space Kitchen Ideas

Kitchens are usually lacking storage areas when in small spaces. So to create more kitchen counter space, you can buy a portable kitchen island that is perfect to move around your kitchen when you are not using it. You can find ones that have their own storage areas to hold more of your things.
Maximize your kitchen space by thinking outside of your kitchen. For our kitchen area, we desperately needed a pantry, however, we couldn’t fit one so, I decided that I would take a wardrobe and create our very own pantry on the free wall behind our dining table. It is the perfect spot since it was small. Plus, it looks built in as if it was always there.

Wardrobe Cabinet | Storage Cabinet | Wire Basket | Glass Kitchen Canister Set | Woven Basket |
Shared Bedroom Space
Lastly, is the bedroom, there is never enough closet space or space for everything you need, am I right? Funny enough, my bedroom is my home, it is where my office, bedroom, and my son’ bedroom is. It was so much easier to keep my bedroom designed to my liking when my son was a baby. It was just a crib and a custom closet I made using a bookshelf so, I was able to have my desk and bed where I like it.
It was only when he got too big for his toddler bed that I was looking at having to get a twin bed. Yikes! However, no fear, I took the bunk bed that no one wanted anymore from my sibling’s room; removed the bottom bed and created a walk-in closet/play area for my son. Now he has a bed in the sky. It provides him with the growing kid space he needs. He has a closet area for his clothes and toy area for his toys.
This new arrangement also gives me the well-needed privacy area of my bed, office, and closet. To maximize my space I added under the bed storage. I am a woman that is always decluttering on the regular. It is a small shared space that was well planned, my friend.
Related: Shared Bedroom Makeover Reveal Pt 2

Twin Bunk Bed | Wingback Standard Bed | Herringbone Plastic Basket | Writing Table | Storage Box with Lid |
Final Thoughts
What are you loving and not loving in your small home? I used to think that you had to get decorating your home right the first time. You don’t. Your home is supposed to grow and expand in decorating style and layout planning with you. You’re going to love a certain colour one year and completely hate it the next or follow a trend and then regret it later. It is all apart of the decorating and organizing journey. We learned there are ways of making the most of your small home.