Make up and a mirror section is what I wanted to do with the small space I had on a wall in my room. Living in an apartment has its downfalls when it comes to space so when you have a small space any where, you need to use it in a smart way. If you lived in one or are currently living in one then you feel my pain.
Plus having a bedroom roommate (aka my son) doesn’t leave me with much space either but it is what you do with the limited space is what matters. Since finishing my son’s custom closet, it left a with a little space for me beside it and there is where I decided to put this make up and mirror section together.
Here is this section before making the closet.
Here is the after.

I did not want to crowd this section because it was behind the door but I wanted to have my things display for easy access but with the option to hide it if I wanted to as well. Â The mirror is still my favourite part of this section, I made it a while back but it reminds me to tell myself that I am beautiful. If you want to see how I made it you can check it out here – DIY BeaUtiFUL Mirror.

Simple command hook keeps my bags near and ready for when I am on the go.

I don’t remember where I bought this since I got this a very long time ago but I love what it says and the photography is simple but beautiful.

Now for my makeup and jewlery section. This used to be above my desk but moved it here instead. My son for sure won’t be able to reach this unless he hire someone and its by my large mirror so that the day I do decide to wear makeup for something I can put it on there.

Having the jewelry box here works perfectly because I tend to forgot when I am half way of of the door about wearing earrings. I guess I am too busy making sure I have everything for my son that I forget the simple things like my hoop earrings.

I have a few more sections in my room to finish, I am thinking my desk area next to tackle.
I hope you have some time, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment to say how much you enjoyed my post or even say hi, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram page or even subscribe. I will do the same! Have a wonderful creative week!

Shanice, what a great way to use the space. I love your mirror! Thanks for sharing. Pinned.
Thank you Julie for pinning, happy you enjoyed this space 🙂
You do some amazing things with organizing :–) Thanks for linking up and sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. Hope you join us again this week.
Aww thank you Sherry. I try my best 🙂 See you this week!
[…] Since then I made a new home for those things, in case you haven’t seen it already you can check it out here – Small Space Makeup/ Mirror Section. […]