Living with less is what I strive for every single day, I don’t want the clutter and I don’t need it stressing my life. This is what I try to teach my son because well I can see the stress clutter has on people. I don’t want that mess anymore. Do you? If you are thinking about getting down with the minimalist lifestyle then this is for you. Now I am providing simple steps to creating a minimal lifestyle that anyone from beginner can enjoy. This will hopefully get your feet wet in the idea of it.
1# – Wants vs Needs

There is an elephant in your space in your home or your shopping habits. All the wants are taking up your space like crazy. These are the things you tell yourself that you really want it… so ten pairs of jeans you saw at the store, decor that you saw and bought start to add up and ultimately take up space. You don’t need it you want it.
Even I have moments where I have to think to myself, do I really need this? The need is what you should aim for. Do you need this item in your life? Can you live without it? I swear that if you look into a space in your room, you will be able to say “I don’t need 80% of these things”.
2# – Tidy Up

Fill your home with joy! I am all into the movement of removing the clutter and keeping only what you need. Marie Kondo is my hero when it comes to tidying up your home. I love the idea of only keeping things that spark joy in your life. When you really think about I bet there is 50% of the items in each part of your room that doesn’t spark any joy. Of course, you have essentials that you must have that do not particularly spark joy but it is all in the matter of removing clothing, toys, paper and items that you don’t truly need or use. Let it go and donate it, my friend! You will feel so much better when you do.
For myself and my household, I make an effort to keep a bag or box in one spot of my home and toss in anything that does not spark joy in my life anymore. Once the bag or box is full it is time to send it away for someone else to enjoy.
3# – Financial Freedom

Guess what if you are not spending money on things you don’t need then you are saving money towards things you do need. I am the type to look at something and say “I can’t afford it so I am not going to get it”. It takes discipline to achieve it that but once you start it begins to become second nature.
I love having financial freedom of not having to owe money for something I want and simply owning it. Of course, I have debt that I need to catch up on but having the extra fund to actually put down the debt is way better than watching it collect. Having separate saving account to put some of my money in is so much fun because you are seeing your piggy bank grow and in no time you will have enough to accomplish your goals.
Final Thoughts
Thinking about testing it out in your life? Living a minimalist lifestyle is not hard to do at all. It takes determination and discipline in order to really be in the rhythm of things. Your life does not need any more clutter, it needs simplicity and organization. Why not have a life that is sparked with joy? Who doesn’t want to have financial freedom? These are the benefits of living a simpler lifestyle. So, do you think you can get into the minimalist lifestyle?