I went shopping on my new favourite site and got these Reuseit Sandwich Bags and Snack Bags from ReUseIt.com at such a great deal. These bags are perfect for back to school or for work. No more using those throw away sandwich bags. You will not need to keep buying sandwich bags because yours will always be around to keep using. Let’s go green this back to school and these are bags are a great way to start. Stop throwing away and start saving the planet one sandwich bag or snack bag at a time. Let me show you why you and your kids are going to love these reusable sandwich and snack bags.
Very easy to clean, just wash like you are washing dishes and let it dry or dry it yourself. It comes it may different styles so your kids will know which one is theirs. As well as a name section to put their names on.
You get two sandwich bags and two snack bags for $7.95. There are perfect for kids or adults.
The sandwich bags are big enough to fit two sandwiches.
The matching snack bags are great size for any type of snacks.

If you love these or want to check out more then Shop Reusables for Back-to-School at ReUseIt.com
post contains an affiliate link. Opinions are 100% my own. For more
information, see my disclosures page.*
post contains an affiliate link. Opinions are 100% my own. For more
information, see my disclosures page.*
I absolutely love Reusit.com. It's the only place I can find biodegradable garbage bags (and so much more). Thanks for letting people know there are greener options out there!
Your welcome Lisa! I saw those biodegradable garbage bags and was so excited. Its on my list to get.
I love this idea, plus it'll save me a lot of money. #ProductReviewParty
So true! Thank you for stopping by and commenting Louida!