Have you ever been in a home and thought he or she is too organized. Sometimes we are guilty of that but some of us are guilty of making really big organizing mistakes. I bet some of us are making it right now. Let’s go over what organizing mistakes you could be making.

When I talk about decluttering your kitchen counters. I don’t mean that you need to keep it clear of everything. Some people make those mistakes. Instead, clear only the items you don’t use every day or items you don’t use at all. It is so much easier to clean when you don’t have much clutter to deal with. You can make the most of your space in your cabinets with stackable drawers, over-the-door storage and in-drawer organizers to keep your belongings in control – the Container Store has tons of options for cabinet and drawer organization.
Another spot in your kitchen is your refrigerator. I don’t know about you but it is easy to forget about your refrigerator door. That is one spot that can get so messy and filled with notes, memos and pictures. We may think it’s a great spot to put your important reminders but most of our minds are what’s in the fridge and not what’s on it. Instead, create a command centre for these items elsewhere and have only one or two pictures on the fridge.
Lastly your kitchen cabinets. We have all been guilty of stuffing items into our kitchen cabinets. But we have to remember that the point of decluttering and organizing a home is to let go of items you don’t need.

Your entryway is your first impression of your home and if not well kept it is also the first dumping ground of shoes, coats and backpacks. You want to arrange this area for easy ways to hang up your belongings so that it goes from the floor to a hook. I recommend having various shoe storage solution that is easy to grab on the go and hidden in a shoe cabinet.
What do you do with the mail that you get? Does it get thrown somewhere or do you have a system for it? Most of us have that part in our home near the door where we like to throw our mail. However, we should have a neat way of doing it. Think about having a dedicated box, wall pocket or spot for you to sort out the mail when you get a chance.
The coat closet is by far the next dumping ground. Not everyone likes to use hangers and kids rather hook up their coats up because it is easier to use. For my home, I love providing hooks for shoes as well. It is one of my favourite projects I have done and the most popular.
Related: What is the brilliant method to decluttering your home
Living room/ Desk Area

I love family photos and knick-knacks but sometimes there are too many being displayed in your living room or desk area. Of course, when you have too many things it will stop looking as clean as you would and result in that feeling of clutter. The problem is not that you like displaying photos and knick-knacks but that you have too many out. Limit the amount you have out.
Next would be toys, if you have a family you know all too well that toys build up and find their way all over the house. Try to keep a limit on how many toys you have to make sure to declutter them as your kids get older or new toys come in. Keep the toys in two rooms max in your home and categorize the toys to keep them more organized.
If cords sticking out or start making a jungle on your wall, it is time to organize your cords. There are many cord organizers out there or you can use Command strips for cords and a line along your furniture to hide it.

One thing you do not want to do is let your laundry linger after you have washed everything. Those nice smelling piles of clothes look so overwhelming and the longer it sits the more it takes up space. Instead of having a pile of unfolded clothes why not take the time to fold it to get it out of the way one time. Try to do laundry when you have the time to fold it as well.
Keep under your bed from looking messy by having under the bed storage. It is always a great idea to have it to store items you may not need to use every single day plus it maximize your storage space. A tip to also include is to add a bed skirt to your bed so that no one has to see what is under your bed.
The last mistake we tend to do is get used to clutter. It starts losing its red flag ability to tell you that you need to do it and it starts becoming a part of your home. You don’t want to let your clutter become invisible to you but have your home feel like a hotel escape.
Final Thoughts
Let correct these really big organizing mistakes you are making right now by taking it out of your daily routine one space at a time. It is so easy to fall into the trap of these but just as easy to make the changes to improve your home as well with the suggestions mentioned in the article today. I know you can do it!
Related: Decluttering Your Home in 5 Days