Let’s talk about purses, shall we? It is a black hole where you can’t find your keys or phone or that wallet of yours that you swore that you placed in your purse. Since I have had a new purse, I find the struggle of finding things to be annoying. Now let’s talk about a solution because believe me I couldn’t wait to find a solution to that problem. I have finally found the answer to my prayers when I came across this purse organizer from one of my new favorite online store Gear Best.

The price for it is around $5.00. The wait time does take a while depending on what you choose for shipping but it does come in various different colors. Not everyone sees inside of your bag but it is nice to have a cute color when you open your bag.

At first glance, I thought it was too small. I couldn’t see how this little thing could keep all my stuff organized however once I placed it into my bag, it worked out perfectly. I could fit my wallet, tablet, little, pouch full of little things that I need right into the middle of the organizer in plain sight and reach.

I love that it has so many pockets. Typically purses do not have a ton of pockets within the inside of the purse so this works great for lip chap or makeup or even tissues. You even have space to put any receipts you have collected. You have space for everything.

Don’t let this little guy fool you, you can organize your little heart out with this guy. Definitely worth the money. Plus if you are a purse changer then you will love being able to pluck this organizer from purse to purse as needed.