What should young women invest in? This question can be daunting when you first think about it. What should you invest in? It does differ per person but in a way, it can be the same for anyone. Now when I am talking about investing in yourself I don’t mean anything drastic. But for You don’t need a big wow moment in yourself. It could be as simple as becoming more healthy or adding a workout to your life or a comfortable bra. Another option can be becoming more happier as a person. Let’s talk about 5 powerful things young women should invest in now. What matters to you right now, right this minute?
#1 – Self-Knowlege

Number one should be you. No one else but you. Invest in giving yourself time to know yourself. That may sound a little weird but you are in the moment where things are changing. It is always changing. You could be out of school or going to college or your new adult job. Things are changing rather you like it or not. I remember when I was at that age (still am) and just thinking to myself that time is just flying and it is hard to grasp a single second at the time.
Get to know yourself.
Deep down. Figure out why certain things make you annoyed and what makes you excited and what are your passions. Learn from your experiences. Really learn from them and allow it to progress you in life. Your experiences make you grow and it weaves into you and what makes you strong. Know it! The bonus part is that is doesn’t cost money to do this, only time.
Self Care
Your body is going to tell you when you need to relax. Listen to it. If you don’t you are only going to get irritated and feel uncomfortable. As much as this can be hard, even for me, I constantly have to remind myself to take a day to relax, get a massage or hang out with my best friend for a dinner and movie night.
#2 – Health

Invest in your health. You only have the one body you are currently living in so take care of it. For me, I decided to live a more natural lifestyle, I swap out popular brands for natural companies in my skincare. I infused essential oils in my life and haven’t looked back since.
Choose proper foods instead of buying junk food all the time.
Believe me, I could have french fries all the time if I chose to. I am by no means perfect. We all want a salty, sugary treat at times. But make an effort to resist. Save your money by buying the ingredients to make your dinner, lunch or breakfast. We spend the most money on eating. Yes, those coffees, those smoothies, those breakfast wraps, lunches and dinners. It adds up. Try a simple paper (or notes on your phone) test of documenting each purchase you are making and see for yourself.
Don’t be a couch potato!
Make the adjustments in your life that include walking more. These simple switches such as stairs instead of elevators or biking instead of driving actually make a difference in your overall health. Working out doesn’t always require a gym membership.
Related: Why I Started Using Essential Oils?
#3 – Advancing Skills

Invest on advancing yourself. Take cooking lessons or courses that add a new skill or advances your current skills. It does not have to be for work or school, it just needs to be for you. For me, even though I have finished my diploma courses, I still do a course on the side that either I have always wanted to know more about it just peaked my interest such a novel writing, learning about coding, jewelry workshop and business administration.
So, what do you want to try or gain more experience in? It can be anything from dance classes to learning to drive if you haven’t done so already.
Here are some suggestions:
- Workshops
- New Language
- Diploma or Online Courses
- Webinar
#4 – Dreams

I am a strong believer in investing in your dreams. Either big or small, young women should take the moment to have fun and cross off things on their wishlist. Don’t wait. Now is the time to really get out there and travel or buy a car. You don’t need to wait to have a bucket list created. Dreams come in all shapes and sizes. It can a simple as going to a place you have always wanted to go to, mine is Bahamas and Greece.
For me, I decided to create a dream list on my site. You can check it out here. The reason behind it is to really motivate me to actually get out there and do the things I have always wanted to do. And because I created it I am actually doing some of the things. There are ways to do things affordable too with the help of Groupon.
I recommend that you not only put money aside for the big or future dreams but also put some aside for dreams you can do this month. Not only does this help with the waiting process but you also get to do some fun things throughout the year.
# 5 – Home

Investing in a home is mighty hard especially if you are just coming out of school. So, this section is by no means apart telling you to invest in buying a home. I wish I could but that is not something that is simply handed. However, if you are getting your own place that you are renting or even still living in your parent’s home, invest in that space.
Make your space at its most comfortable. Add your unique touch. I made sure to change my room to suit the young women version of myself with a brand new bed and bedroom makeover. I recommend getting a new mattress such as Endy or even Casper if you already have a frame. The right mattress is everything but also make sure they have eco-friendly aspects as well like Endy does. Changing my space not only makes me feel amazing when I wake up but makes me want to get up and do something amazing. The way your room it reflects who you are or want to be so why not put in the effort to give your space a makeover.
Related: Bedroom Makeover Reveal
Final Thoughts

Invest in yourself is the biggest way to empower yourself and break out your true self. Take care of yourself and gain experiences worth remembering. As much as studying is a priority, your family is a priority and work is a priority, it will not work if you are not investing in yourself. You deserve to be happy just like the way you make others happy. By doing this, make sure you are balancing it out everything with living life.