Who doesn’t have the Pokemon app on their phone? Honestly, me! People have bumped into me countless of times because they are not paying attention and I know that it is very addictive. Plus as much as I loved the show when I was younger, I wasn’t interested enough to get the app. Sorry. So why did I choose Pokemon for my little brother’s last of school lollipop label and gift? Well, to be fair he chose it, my job was to make it perfectly cool for his classmates and I think I accomplished just that very mission.
How to make Pokemon Lollipop Labels:
I made my little brother different from my littlest sister when it comes to the label because I was inspired by the Pokemon card. I printed off the back of the cards on a Word document and printed it onto paper.
Then I cut each out.
Now it is time for the Pokemon balls, I wanted them to stand out on the cards so I created a separate batch to label the lollipops. I made it the same way as I did the cards and printed it out on the Cricut Sticker paper that I bought. You can also use Avery Sticker Paper as well.
Once done with that, I took my tape and added a piece to the middle of the Pokemon card.
So if your child or sibling is a fan of Pokemon then they will love this treat! I feel like I should be saying that ‘you gotta catch them all‘ but that may be too cheesy… or maybe the perfect line for this occasion! Grab these Pokemon labels and make them yourself! Grab this free printable here!
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