Hello, 2018! Hello, another new year. Can I be honest with you, I wish I have done more. Do you feel like that sometimes, especially when you are going into a new year? I know I do. Sitting around wondering where did the time go and why didn’t I tackled any of my goals that I set out for? Boo! I hope I am not the only one that feels that way at the time. However, even though I may feel like I haven’t done that much, I always like to use this time to reflect just to prove myself wrong and to also give myself a pat on the back on what I have achieved this year. A positive side of things! It may have been a small amount but it has been accomplished. Time just goes by and we can’t do anything about it but celebrate having another awesome year past.
So because it is a new year, I wanted to see how you are doing? I feel like we haven’t truly talked one on one for like forever. Has life felt like it is ever revolving? Always moving? Maybe you feel like you are growing up and life isn’t slowing down anytime soon? I feel all of the above. In life and in blog life. Just need a little breather! I have a few goals to hopefully help. How about you?
I know how easy it is to set goals and then it is a new year and not many of those goals get crossed off. I thought I would share my goals with you but this time, I am sharing my excuses that I say to myself that keeps me from getting that goal done and my solution to help me get there.
My Goals for 2018
Goal #1 – Write More!

This past year, I have seen less and less of me. Where did Shanice go? I feel like sometimes I publish so much content that I no longer know where mine is? Sounds crazy right? The owner of this here site doesn’t make a priority for her own hand typing posts. I love providing a platform for other bloggers, it makes me so glad to share more things with you from other people’s point of view but at the same time I have lost the spark that got my getting up and writing all the time. I feel so ashamed admitting that but I know that it happens. This is not just a blogger problem, it is the same when it comes to when you have a family. Life gets busy and there is sometimes no time more us. When was it the last time you have done something for yourself and not for others? I will get back to you on that if you were to ask me.
My Excuses:
I am too tired after a long day. Too many things going on that I need to get done. Not enough time in the day to add this too. I have work or study or attend to my family.
How am I going to Achieve it?:
So I can’t change that fact that I am tired. I get tired because of a long day at work. So for now on, I am going to use my lunch breaks of quiet time to write. I am already up since its work anyways and there aren’t any distractions.
Goal #2 – Balance

I have to admit, this is a goal of mine like all the time. Blog + Work + Family Life + Goals/Dreams?. I don’t know how I do it sometimes. Honestly, I try to stick to a schedule for myself and for more of the most part I can stay on it. It is when things don’t stick to plan that everything feels like it is thrown out the window and it feels like papers are just scattered everywhere in the wind it just gives me that give up moment. Life right.
My Excuses:
I guess my excuses would depend on what its for. So for blogging and writing often my excuse would be that I am too tired, I didn’t have time to write anything or I lack inspiration. Brain fog. Family life, I tend to use blogging hardcore cram session as an excuse and tiredness that takes me away from really wanted to do some awesome family time activities. My excuse for not doing more of my goals and dreams would have to be lack of money. I tend to save for bigger things more than focusing on the moment at times.
How am I going to Achieve it?:
Better prioritizing. So far I have been doing better at this. Work is work so that can’t change however blog work needed some readjusting. I no longer dedicate every day to my blog site. I set 10 minutes during my lunch break and 10 minutes when I get home for my blog each day just for social media purpose. Nothing more and nothing less. Then have Saturday dedicated to the full crunch of everything for the new week. I noticed that I have more time for myself that way and more time with my little man for some fun time.
As for my goals, I need to get back to that more. I have been carving out some time to spend time with friends however I am long time overdue for my new goals and dreams to be achieved. Starting this month I am going to give myself one new small hobby or goal and keep doing this each month. Smaller goals are more achievable and excite more motivation for me.
Goal #3 Relax

What is relaxing again? I swear that is not really in my DNA. I can’t stop being on the go. If it is not physical then it is mental that I am doing something at all times or multitasking just about everything. When you see me sitting down I have a laptop on lap and TV with one of my shows I need to catch up on. If I am not sitting I am making school lunch, giving son a bath, making sure we have ate, brushed teeth before going to bed with a story. And of course, making sure everything is ready for the next day then bedtime and start the day all over again. Does that sound like you too?
My Excuses:
I don’t have time to smell the roses, I have things to do. Cleaning the home needs to get done, son needs to be ready for this and that and blogging needs to be prepared and finished. I will relax when I am sleeping.
How am I going to Achieve it?:
This could be a very hard to do but I am going to try a unplug session for me and my son. I think if we have maybe two hours away from all of our devices every weekend to do something like tobogganing, a puzzle, paint or play with play dough. Anything that is not cleaning or organizing something or being on an device or some sort. That is my plan. I may go small and work my way up to two hours but that depends on how the first time goes.

Those are my personal goals. I mean I could probably name more but you might as well go on my dream page to see all the things I want to do, dream of doing and have already did that and shared about it. Okay, we talked about my personal goals so what are yours? Grab yourself a free ultimate goals list!