I came across this fantastic site and literally wanted to buy everything. Reuseit, I could shop there all day if I could. I loved their products so much that I became a affiliate of theirs. I heard about Pack It products a few years ago when I saw their lunch bags but when I ordered them off the company site they for some reason could not complete and ship my order so I forgot about them until now. I saw their Pack It Shopping Cooler/Grocery Bags on Reuseit.com and was so excited. These reusable grocery bags keep your food cold for up to 6 hours. Amazing right?
Not only are you being environmentally friendly (cutting down the plastic bags usage) but this keeps your food cold. No more melted ice cream! You don’t only have to use it for just grocery shopping, it works as a awesome cooler too. Pack your snacks, drinks and picnic items inside and it will be cool the whole time. All you need to do is place it into your freezer for up to 12 hours and take it on the go. I am so glad that I bought this because it really does work and I am saving the planet in a very cool way. I bought this for $24.95 and it arrived by mail very quickly. Shop ReUseIt.com for Reusable Produce Bags
Of course like all reusable bags, make sure you clean them after each use. It is not hard simple wipes will do. Then fold it up and place it back into your freezer until the next use. Shop ReUseIt.com for Reusable Produce Bags
post contains an affiliate link. Opinions are 100% my own. For more
information, see my disclosures page.*
These bags would work prefect when we go on our road trips instead of stopping somewhere to get something to eat which can get expensive. #ProductReviewParty
Yeah it really helps out. Thank you Louida for stopping by and commenting!