6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams

Back-to-school shopping is just the tip of the iceberg. As parents, organizing school supplies can be a game-changer for a smooth school year. If only our kids truly understand that! But what if I told you that involving your kids in the process can make it fun? Here are some tips and tricks to get your little ones excited about organizing their school supplies.


1. Set the Stage

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams
Start by creating a space that invites you to have some fun. I am talking about, setting the stage for a successful organizing session by creating a positive environment. Here are a few tips on how you can make the space fun:
  • Play some upbeat music.
  • Have some healthy snacks.
  • Ensure you have a clean and clutter-free space to work in.

2. Sort & Categorize

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams
Now I know that you might think that sorting and organizing school supplies couldn’t possibly be a fun activity but it can! Here are a few ideas on how you can make sorting and categorizing the supplies fun for your kids:
  • Gather all the school supplies in one place. Make it a game to see who can collect the most items from around the house.
  • Sort supplies into categories such as pencils, markers, notebooks, and art supplies.
  • Let your kids decide on the categories—they might come up with creative ones you hadn’t thought of!

3. Declutter

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams

Now that you have everything sorted, it’s time to declutter. Decluttering helps weed out any old items you don’t need and also helps you see what you truly need to restock. Ultimately providing you with a clean slate.

  • Decide what to keep and what to toss.
  • Encourage your kids to let go of items they no longer need or use.
  • Set aside gently used items that can be donated to schools or charities.
  • Recycle any items that are no longer usable such as dried-out markers or broken crayons.
  • Note: If you have broken crayons collect them for a fun melting crayon art craft.

4. Organize

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams
With your supplies sorted and decluttered, it’s time to organize! Aka this is truly my favourite part. Here are a few things you are going to need to do to create a fun and functional organization:
  • Let your kids pick out containers, bins, or organizers for their supplies.
  • Consider using colourful and fun designs to make it more appealing.
  • Create labels for each container such as using colorful labels or even drawing pictures to represent what goes inside.
  • Ensure frequently used items are easily accessible.
  • Store less frequently used items higher up or in less accessible spots.

5. Create a Dedicated Space

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams
Having a dedicated space for school supplies helps keep everything organized and easy to find. This can be a shelf, desk or even cabinet that you have that it easy for your little ones to access whenever they need something. Here are some tips for setting up a school supply station:
  • Set up a desk, shelf, or cart specifically for school supplies.
  • Encourage your kids to personalize their space with decorations, pictures, or art.
  • Establish a routine to keep the space tidy such as a quick clean-up session every Friday.

6. Make It a Habit

6 Fun Steps for Organizing School Supplies with Your Kids | City of Creative Dreams
Consistency is the key to staying organized! Therefore you will need to make it a habit to stay on track with the school supplies. Here are a few tips:
  • Schedule regular check-ins to ensure supplies are still organized.
  • Make check-in a part of your weekly routine.
  • Celebrate when your kids keep their supplies organized. Rewards or praise can go a long way!
  • As the school year progresses, involve your kids in decisions about how to tweak or improve the organization system. Replace any organization systems that no longer work for your kids.

Final Thoughts

As much as we feel that we have to do everything on our own, involving your kids in organizing their school supplies can be a rewarding experience for both of you. It helps step the stage for responsibility, and organizational skills and provides some fun bonding and assistance. Remember, the goal is not just to have an organized space but to create habits and skills that will benefit your kids in the long run. So, take a deep breath, gather your supplies, and get ready to make organizing a fun family activity.



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