Organizing bookshelves can be a hassle sometimes. I decided to organize the living room bookshelf because I was tired with what it looked like before. So I did all the things you have done a billion times before, especially if you have kids then you know that your bookshelf may not always be the most organized. I pull everything out one shelf at a time, got rid of all the school newsletters from last year, drawing with no names, flyers, and mail that is addressed to the wrong person. Then you look at everything and say what is the point, it is just going to get messy all over again. Stay positive and declutter.
Here are my tricks to keep my bookshelf in shape.
Small Storage
This small storage is not only good for CDs but for other things such as extra art supplies for home, just about anything you don’t know what to do with can do in these storages.

Paper Storage
It is good to have a section for papers, you can use is to put school newsletters, mail, computer paper, extra blank paper or any documents in general.
Magazine Holders
If you get magazines on the regular or have a few tall documents or folders. This is an organized way of getting your business hidden.
Small baskets and Pencil Holders
I used my small baskets for office stuff like erasers or glue for the kids where it is out for them to take whenever they need it and hopefully place it back where they found it. And pencil holders for well pencils and pens.
This is what I have done to my family’s bookshelf so far.
I wanted to condense the bookshelf clutter so I made sure to use file folders and file shelves. I also gave me bookshelf focus areas in the middle of the shelves with using the small storage containers.
Now when you are thinking about buying a bookshelf consider getting these things along with it. Or of course, if you are going with the more classic look of a bookshelf and having only books then do something dramatic to the wall of the shelf to match it with the design of your home décor. Your bookshelf doesn’t have to be average if you don’t want it to be. So keep an eye out for the
finishing product of my bookshelf.
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