Raise your hand if you have ever moved to a new place… we all have been there. Had to deal with the packing, the moving truck and the moment where you wondered where you packed that certain item that is hidden in the mountain of boxes. It is not the easiest thing to do but boy is it worth it because it’s your new place! Right now you may be standing in a blank canvas, an empty shell of a home that is waiting for you to make it feel like home.
I have turned into something new and something old type of person when it comes to moving. It is in my nature to have something brand new, it could be a bed or paint on the walls or even a toothbrush. Who doesn’t love something new! For instance, when I move into the apartment where I am today, I made a furniture shopping list with all the things we needed, roughly because all our furniture was worn due to kids jumping on the couch or broken because of the kids climbing it like a jungle gym… (my finger pointing will always be at my siblings). On my list of things new was a dresser, bookcase and a bed. It made me feel good hanging some new eye candy.

A soft rug beneath your feet, rugs always makes me feel at home. It is that first touch. All you really need next is some pillows behind your back and artwork surrounding you to feel at ease. If you close your eye away from the boxes, it is almost close to being a luxury spa. Almost. I love having artwork up on the walls, it brings such joy. My art obsession is abstract, throw in some gold flakes into it and you have me hooked. As for pillows, you can get creative with throw pillows or even the pillows you sleep with. Patterned, classic or out of this world. You can never go wrong with pillows!

What matters most to me is my bed. My bed is my everything, my workstation, my hug after a long day and my resting place. It’s the center of my life. It is also the one thing that has to be built and made up in my bedding regardless of what time it is. I want to sleep like a queen on my first nights in my new home. It could be new bedding or the same ones I already own, but it has to be on my bed. However, if your bed is 10+ years old and is keeping you up all night, you can consider replacing it with a mattress that gets delivered straight to your new home. Because the worst thing would be staying in a new environment plus sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Not me!
I also can’t live without my TV, come on, who doesn’t love watching shows while unpacking things. Music is another thing too but TV is a sense of comfort when you had a long day and want to binge watch shows aka get lost in someone else’s world. Lastly, a personal touch would be photographs of family and friends. Warms smiles and memories! Gallery walls are super trendy and very chic with homes these days. It is the perfect personal touch to a new place.
Those are my essentials to make a new home feel like yours. Of course, it is whatever you want it to be. Heck, it could even just be a glass of wine to celebrate a new chapter in life. Whatever you decide is your essentials enjoy every minute… even all those boxes to unpack.