Alright, if you are looking for natural baby products, you are here on a good day. Today I am sharing a natural products guide for new moms. These are natural baby products that I have personally used and reviewed when I first had my son. Yes, I will be sharing not only one but 7 natural products worth trying out.
When I first had my son, that is when I started seeing the world in an entirely new way. I suddenly started to care what I was putting into my body and what I was putting on and in his body. Yes, I started to actually ask questions on what is really in the bottles that I used every day and what will affect my baby. I decided right there that I was going to make a change. That was 8 years ago and I haven’t looked back.
Natural Baby Products Guide for New Moms:
Today I want to share some products that I personally used on my son because I remember being a new mom doing a deep dive in the search engine simply searching for something that was natural. Plus I am going to share products out there that you may have not even heard or thought about. Here are 7Â natural products worth trying out.
1. Dapple Baby Toy & High Chair Cleaning Spray
If you are looking for a natural surface cleaner for toys and any surface that your little one may touch then Dapple Baby Toy & High Chair Cleaning Spray is the way to go. I loved that I did not have to worry whenever I used it.
Where did I buy this natural toy surface cleaner?
I originally bought mine online at Walmart for $5.97 years ago but you can also buy it on their site here –
What is this natural surface cleaner good for?
Great for toys, high chairs, bouncers, and anywhere your little one puts their fingers on. You know kids and especially babies love getting their hands on anything they can see.
What else you can use it for?
This is great for when you first buy toys or baby gear. Always wash or spray a cleaning solution onto any new item or even when the item has fallen on the ground.
2. Camilia Teething Drops
The packaging is a lot different now than the photo I put up but the goal is the same. When looking for natural teething solutions I was super happy to get my hands on Camilia Teething Drops. If you are anything like me when I was a new mom then you know how hard it is to see our little ones in pain.
This product worked for my son and I completely recommended it as an option. I love that it has individual doses so that you really don’t have to think about how much to use because it is done for you. You can easily pop it in your diaper bag for when you are on the go.
3. Live Clean Baby Creamy Head-to-Toe Wash Soothing
When looking for a natural baby products in the baby soap catergory because my son has eczema (which is caused by an allergic reaction to something in our household) it wasn’t too hard to find.
I actually learned that certain baby products can actually worsen it. At the time I was using Johnson Products which is a go-to for baby products. However, not sure about others but for my son, it just did not help at all with clearing eczema and based on other reviews that that time, others experienced the same thing. So I searched for natural products for my son and stumbled upon Live Clean Baby Creamy Head-to-Toe Wash, Soothing Oatmeal Relief.
They have a whole line of natural baby skincare that you can choose from. This one is great but I also personally love their lavender one, Live Clean Baby Bubble Bath & Wash, Calming Bedtime which helps with bedtime so he can rest his head easy.
4. Attitude Laundry Detergent
Attitude Laundry Detergent! With a baby or children, we know that we can go through the laundry for days because of spit-up, food or dirt that finds its way on their clothing. If only the kids could only do their own laundry right? Their lives get messy which means we are the sole person to have to clean it up. I really wanted a natural laundry detergent for my little man so I researched around and bought myself this to try out. For more information about this product check out their site.
- Fragrance-Free
- Made with Herbal Ingredients
- Doesn’t impact aqua surroundings
- Certified Eco-Friendly by EcoLogo
- Not tested on animals
- Vegan Product
- Made in Canada
5. Honest Shampoo & Body Wash
Honest Company’s Honest Shampoo and Body Wash. I won’t lie, I went through an obsession with Honest Company products, you can find them all believe me because this company is fantastic for natural baby products that are green, natural, organic searching mommies like me. This product is great for your little ones and it smells amazing.
This soap is $9.95 + shipping on their website if you just want to only buy this product. However, what I like about this company is that they offer bundles where you can choose up to 5 products or more and even make it monthly. Plus, it is all-natural, tear-free and hypoallergenic. Check out their site for more products like this!
Related:Â Honest Shampoo & Body Wash Review
6. HydraSense Nasal Aspirator Starter Kit
I bought this hydraSense Nasal Aspirator Starter Kit product when my son was a newborn. When you have a little one who has a stuffed nose and is losing sleep or can’t feed properly because of it, it is no fun for anyone at all.
I heard of parents who naturally suck mucus out of their child’s nose using their own mouths. That is great if you are one of those parents but I personally did not want to do that with my son so I was more than glad to buy this product instead. No mess or fuss. This product is for ages newborn to two years old.
You can buy this product for around $15-20 depending on where you are going to buy it. I bought mine from Shopper’s Drug Mart here in Canada but you can also get it from Amazon too.
What is inside of a hydraSense Nasal Aspirator Starter Kit?
The kit includes the 1 Nasal Aspirator, 5 Easydose vials and 5 filters.
7. Honest Organic All-Purpose Balm
As mentioned before, I went through a phase where I loved honest products. If you have asked me what is my favourite Honest Company product it would be this Honest Organic All-Purpose Balm. It is by far my favourite natural baby product out of all, hands down. Yes, I know that it is a big statement but it’s true.
I have used it on my son and got real results in regards to a diaper rash or even his eczema. I have made sure that I have a bottle of this in my home since the time I first got it and that was around 8 years ago. Honestly, I just never know when eczema can flair up in my household so when it does I can use it right away.
Let’s face it most babies get diaper rashes right? However, this product is a natural way of curing that rash and more such as eczema and minor cuts or scratches. With the ingredients of organic sunflower, olive, coconut oils, tamanu oil, chamomile & calendula and beeswax you can be sure that your baby is in the best care. These ingredients help to nourish, moisturize, and protect sensitive skin.
- petroleum, mineral oil,
- lanolin, gluten,
- parabens, phthalates,
- fragrances, dyes
- and most common allergens
 Final Thoughts
This natural baby products guide for new moms was such a fun way for me to go down memory lane of when my son was a baby. Time truly does fly by! Although a lot has changed since my son was a baby, it doesn’t mean that the amazing products that I loved and used are not still there waiting for new moms like you to use on your little ones. I wish I had a guide like this to point me in the right direction. Tell me, what are some natural products you are using right now!
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