Crafting is my go-to it is what sparked this site of mine so when I got this book in my hands called Mend Yourself by Making Thing Craftfulness by Rosemary Davidson & Arzu Tahsin I was intrigued. If you are crafty like I am then you are going to love this book. I am all about the mending yourself and relaunching yourself and this book represents that. I won’t spill too much about the book but I will share my top three best moments of the book that truly resonated with me the most.
Negativity Healing
It was so refreshing to read about negative emotions. That may sound strange to say it sounds refreshing but I am talking about how negativity can play a role in your life. It is apart of being human which the book reminds us. I love that the book says “But it should work for us, not against us.”. That resonated with me because negativity has caused me to hold myself back in the past.
Not Perfect Enough
The book also talks about how “Fear can kill success“ and the challenge behind perfection. Being my version of perfect really took a toll over myself and my life. It really held me back in what I wanted to do in many aspects of my life. Mainly because that was something put into my head when I was younger from school to media that I wasn’t enough. It takes strength to overpower that thought and to really move on with life. I find my creativity and my crafts is something I can control and but sharing it in fear of it not being perfect is an everyday feeling I struggle with. I have to admit I have come along way.
Self-Doubt Avenue
I believe that self-doubt plays hand in hand with feeling like you couldn’t achieve something because you haven’t mastered it or because you don’t want to embarrass yourself. The word comparison comes to mind because we tend to do that to ourselves. We compare ourselves to others thinking it must be so easy for them and they may it effortless… so why try. Right there that holds us back from trying, it doesn’t push us forward. Inside the book, there are many quotes and stories about other artists and crafty individuals who have gone through similar things we all have but how they found their spark to mend themselves through their craft.
Final Thoughts
Writing is more of my thing than reading so the fact that I flip through this book and actually read it means something to me. I don’t give time to any book that does not inspire me in some way. This book gives great reminders to keep going and that you are not alone with the feelings you have about yourself, your life or your craft. Many of us have gone through the same things and there are some DIY projects inside of the book for you to try out for yourself. This is not just your ordinary craft book but one that inspires you for greatness. If you want to check out this book for yourself here, you can check it out here.