There will be few moments more special in a man’s life than that moment when they look at their partner and think “this is the person I want to be with forever.” It’s an awesome sensation. One you should let yourself fully embrace. However, don’t get lost in those warm fuzzy feelings for too long. Before you get too excited, you’ll have to ask them if they also want to be with you forever, and that’s not just a conversation you bring up out of the blue. Below, we run through five things you’ll need to do before asking for her hand.

Source: Pexels.com
Speak to her Family
We know we’ve moved past having to ask your would-be bride’s father for her hand in marriage, but there’s still something to be said for talking to her family before you pop the big question. For starters, it’s just a polite and courteous thing to do, especially if she’s close to her parents. As well as that, you’ll be letting her family get involved with all the excitement that you’re naturally feeling. They might also have a couple of pointers about how she’d like to be asked.
Picking the Ring
You love your future wife all the way to the moon and back, but that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly an expert on engagement rings. Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make, and you won’t be able to include her in the choosing process. If in doubt, ask one of her friends about the kind of diamond engagement rings your girlfriend has expressed admiration for in the past. You’ll be free to have input on what you think looks appropriate too, but by getting the opinions of those who know her best, you’ll be putting yourself in the best position to choose the right ring.
Setting the Scene
With a pinch of luck, your other half will have given you some of the proposal details they’ve dreamed about since they were young, in which you’ll have a head’s start on where and when you actually pop the question. If not, you’ll have to get your thinking cap on. If you’re struggling to think of where you should do it, opt for somewhere that holds a special place in both your hearts. In all likelihood, she’ll be so overwhelmed by the whole thing that she’ll forget where she is, but it’ll still be nice for the obligatory post-question photograph if it’s somewhere scenic.
Work on your Speech
You won’t just be sitting them down and asking, “Will you marry me?” You’ll need to deliver something of a run-up speech beforehand. The best advice is: speak from the heart. Don’t have a list of things you want to mention; it shouldn’t be a case of reeling off a carefully planned, well structured, reasoned speech of why you love them. If you’re ready to get married, you’ll know what to say from the heart.
Do all of these things, and you won’t need luck: there’ll for sure say yes, and then you can get onto planning the big day….
Contributed courtesy of Sam.
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