Thinking about making your organized bedroom into a relaxing oasis? Then I have the article for you! Today I am sharing my best tips for creating a relaxing bedroom with you, straight from a collaborative article, I was a part of on Porch. I would love it if you could check it out here – How To Make Your Bedroom a Relaxing Oasis: Tips from the Experts.
Before you head over to check it out, allow me to give you a sneak peek at what I shared to make your bedroom into a relaxing oasis.
1. Clear the Clutter
First thing first, you need to clear the clutter. Clutter is the opposite of relaxing so clearing off surfaces like your bed, bedside table or the top of your dresser in your bedroom will instantly reduce the overwhelming and stressful feeling when you walk in. In addition, it also creates a more visually appealing and cleaner space to relax in.
2. Surround Yourself with Items that Make you Happy
Your bedroom needs to be a space of positivity. To make that happen, you need to remove any toxic items that bring up sad or unpleasant memories. Yes, make it a rule to only allow items that spark happiness or motivation and that infuse feel-good memories in the room. That includes items with your favourite colours. Of course, with having your favourite items in your bedroom oasis, minimalism is key therefore keep a few things out.
3. Style like a Hotel
Do you love staying in a hotel? There is a reason why we love staying in hotels and one of the reasons is that there are only the essentials out. Do the same thing for your bedroom by having only your essentials out. Organize any small items you don’t need often away in a drawer so that you free up space. That way your room stays clean and you have a clear view of all the items you love seeing.
4. Morning Routine Habit
Let’s talk about habits you need to start right now. One way to just start fresh is organizing your time in the morning by making sure that you make up your bed as soon as you get up. It may be a small task accomplishment but it is one less thing you need to do for the day. Plus, it is the fastest way to instantly straighten up your bedroom and makes your bed look fantastic each time you walk in. Who doesn’t want to walk into a neat room?
But wait there is more!😊
How To Make Your Bedroom a Relaxing Oasis: Tips from the experts
Getting to collaborate alongside amazing experts and professionals is always worth it. I think you will love all the advice on this topic on the How To Make Your Bedroom a Relaxing Oasis: Tips from the Experts article. Here is just a quick peek of what questions are being answered but as always, I encourage you to check it out for yourself!
- How to choose the best bedding for a bedroom oasis? – Rick – Royal Egyptian Bedding
- Ways to use Turkish towels in the bedroom and as a decoration? – Tanya Vaughan – The Bali Market
- How to get better sleep and what are natural bedroom essentials? – Dr. Sylvia – Ask Away Health
- How to relax and unwind before sleep? – Cyn Meyer – Second Wind Movement
- What are the best light recommendations for deep and restful sleep? – Sarah Hamel – Light Therapy Products
- What is the relationship between exercise and better sleep? How to improve it? – China McCarney – Athletes Against Anxiety and Depression Foundation
- What is the best food to eat before sleep and what is the best timing for meals? – Terry Linde – Destiny ManagementÂ
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, if you are ready to make your bedroom sleep-worthy, then this is the time to take some action. Use the tips you learned today as well as check out the collaborative article for more ways to make your bedroom a relaxing oasis! Take advantage of having all these amazing advice and tips from experts in one spot, it will definitely make your sleep much better.

These are great ideas on making the bedroom more of a haven and less of a place to stash clutter. Making good use of organizers in the closet also open up more space. Some people even put drawers in their closet and eliminate one or both dressers in the main part of the room.
Thank you so much! Yes, drawers in the closet definitely create more space!