Live love life lately. Tidbit moment. There is a time in your life where you just have to stop moving with the crowd. Stop moving in the direction where everyone wants you to go and choose the direction of yourself. Whatever that may be. Know what you want, go after it and be okay with making mistakes. I have probably said this before and will most likely say it more times in the future. It will always be something that I am going to need to remember to keep in mind. I’ve learned that throughout myself. Believe me, I wasn’t always the one who believe these things until I grew up. Its the same in every aspect of life, as a parent, sister and overall person. Take that moment. Step into your truth of what journey you want to be on.
Life gets so busy that I don’t stop and take a moment for myself. Work. Parent. Blog. Sleep. Repeat. I feel like I am constantly spinning. Constantly intertwine in a million goals and aspirations that I forget to actually live life. Life is about living. Life, yes, is about dreaming but how can you enjoy the dreams when you’re not stopping to enjoy it? Laugh Freely. Smile constantly. Breath without regrets. Keep a mental memory. So this is random. I’ve put together a few of my favorite things that give me a minute to myself.
Some of My Fav Things!

Inspirational mugs with juice in it, candy (any kind), ice cream in a waffle bowl and essential oil goodies are just a few. What do you love having around you when you are having a moment to yourself?