So what has been happening lately? Well, I haven’t been having the best week. Have you ever felt like life at the moment is on repeat? Like no matter what you do, you are stuck. Stuck in the same peanut butter and jelly sandwich and can’t move. That is what I am feeling. I know, I am young but that does not mean life doesn’t get hard. Yes, I am young but I am also a mom and I am also trying to figure myself out and to live life and to balance everything. I think that is what I am always lacking… balance and that is also why I tend to feel like I am falling short.
Don’t worry I won’t leave this just like that. I am completely leaving my heart right there but there is a reason for that. We all have bad days and bad weeks and some have some bad months. It happens. It takes me a while sometimes to remember that life can’t be under a dark cloud. So I am pulling out my favorite fight song to get you strong through your trials. Check it out below!

Favourite Fight Song