Tomorrow is the last day of school and boy is that shocking to me. It feels like this year just fell between my fingers. I used to love when school was over, you get to sleep in and be completely lazy all summer doing whatever you want in the hot cloudless weather. Now that I am an adult, we don’t really get summers, do we? If you are working a job then you most definitely do not have a summer and if you are a stay at home mom then you have a lot more on your plate than simply sending the kids off to the bus stop. They kids at home ready to eat up your snacks and that can sometimes leave you with a thought of “when is it time for them to go back to school.”
What about me? Well, last day of school means that soon my little man who just graduated from kindergarten last week is growing up even more. I want him to stay small a little longer. Please! I was so bummed to know that the school board told the school to not have a kindergarten graduation because the kids are not graduating from anything. What nonsense! So what, it’s something fun for the parents and the kids. They are graduating from kindergarten and from being small to growing up. Of course after all those years, they decide this when my little man is in kindergarten. (insert head shake here) Oh well, he still graduated in my heart and his Celebration of Learning (aka Kindergarten graduation) was fabulous!