I had a moment with my friend when we were out on a girl’s night to chit chat over a hot meal, where there was something that she said that really resonated with me. I told her that I stood up for myself politely to my manager and also tried to help him see a fellow coworker strengths through my eyes, long story on that one. She basically said “Even though we have been through a ton at our old job, it wasn’t the best situation but we gain strength out of it. You wouldn’t have said that to a manager priorĀ from being in our old job. Proud of you.”
It was so true. Sometimes you could feel like you are up against a war in life but once you have crawled tooth and nail out of that situation, whatever it may be, work… school… relationship. You come out of it different from before even if you don’t notice it right away. You rise stronger. You know yourself better and know why you are able to stand on two legs. I never really thought of that small situation in that perspective and thought it was very interesting.

What Song I am ObsessingĀ Over Right Now!