Last week has been pretty fast and furious. If I say so myself! I am not sure if you could tell by that intro but I went to see the movie not just once, but twice because I had to watch one with family and one with my number one girl. Plus, how can you not see that movie twice. A small tip about me is that I am a super fan of that movie franchise, I mean if I could choose a movie to be in, it would be that one. Not a walk on role or anything like that, I want to be apart of the crew, I want some action on the road and possibly be someone’s child or little awesome sister but enough about that dream.
Since it has been cold, I grab myself a Tim Horton’s cup of white chocolate hot chocolate because I knew my short week towards my mom’s surgery was going to be a busy one since I was now stepping back into the stay at home mom role as my mom recovers. Everything went well! Now back to work as usual.