It was time, I couldn’t be happier that my little man is now out of pull ups and into big boy underwear thanks to my Best Potty Solution Ever for Stubborn Kids worked out! With no pull ups, I needed to buy more and came across Joe Fresh’s toddler brand while grocery shopping.
Very convenient! I not only grab these because they were my fav color but also because the price wasn’t that bad. It cost me $8 for a three pack. They also have a 5 pack boxer style with the days of the week on it for $12.

If you are looking for something different from the standard batman theme underwear than these comfy and cute designs are great for your little one’s needs, from sitting down to standing up, this underwear got you covered.

Overall, I do wish that there were more patterns and designs to choose from, however, I love the price and the designs they have at the moment. Hope to see some more!