Are you thinking about how to successfully work from home when you have kids? Believe me, you are not alone in this situation. Working from home is not easy and yet, many of us have to experience this on the regular.
These days we are all working from home while balancing having our kids home. Yes, our new work-life consists of coworkers that are noisy, telling you they are bored, hungry and can be grouchy when they don’t get their way sometimes. Our kids as coworkers are not ideal but there are ways to get through it. Let me share some work from home tips to help you through.
Tip 1 – Set a Routine

You don’t need to completely pause your daily routines. You just need to tweak it. Rethink it and get creative with it. I love routines! This is by far one of my favourite tips that I am going to be sharing with you today. Now your routine is not going to be perfect the first way around, you have to test different arrangements until you find one that works for you.
Remember it does not have to be the same routine every day, but it should mimic what your workdays used to look like to some degree. Here are examples of setting a routine:
- Getting up at the same time
- Getting dressed
- Making breakfast and coffee
- Yoga or workout
- Meditate
- Setting up kids with activities
- Logging on to the computer
- Setting breaks
- Make lunch
- Set kids up with a movie
- Log back on until work is done
Everyone’s routine will work differently depending on your job, how many kids you have and how old your children are. This is why you need to learn what is best for you and keep trying different routines until one fits you and your family.
Tip 2 – Set up a schedule for your kids

Create a schedule for your kids that isn’t too strict. Design it in a way of a menu for example at 10am your kids can choose to do crafts or have a dance party. Spread out your homeschooling a bit like maths and English in the morning and playing outside in the afternoon for our version of the gym. Try not to stress too much about screen time, it is a good distraction for them while you work. You can always plan activities that don’t need supervision such as games and crafts.
For me, I love a schedule and made sure that I made one for my son, to keep him in the know of what he should be doing. What also helped me was to set alarms on my iPad for him, so he knows when to move on to another activity. It helps him to not have to come to me as often while I work.
If at all, schedule your most important tasks when your kid’s nap, when they are busy doing an activity like watching a movie with snacks, have your family or friends virtually babysit your kids, or wait until night when they have gone to bed. Trying to get it all done while the kids are running around will just run you down. Take breaks to spend time with them.
Grab Free Kid’s Schedule Printable! – Join thousands who access my free resource library to snag yourself this – Kid’s Schedule Printable and many more!
Tip 3 – Set up your work area

Your work area sets the tone! You want to have your desk in an area that doesn’t make you feel so isolated. If you are able, set up your work area by a window. Having natural sunlight come in while you work does wonders! It brings in positive energy. If your kids are young, try to have your desk face the common area your young kids are at so you can keep an eye on them while you work.
What you surround yourself with also plays a role in how you work. If your desk is in a common area, add a plant on your desk. It is not just green decor but provides a great quality of air in your home.
Make sure that your work area is free of distractions such as clutter. On top of your desk should be only the items that you need most, this includes a computer, computer accessories such as a mouse and keyboards along with writing tools and paper storage. Just by having your office not cluttered, you will be able to find everything you need.
Related: How to Simplify and Declutter Your Desk
Tip 4 – Set up your work hours

Set up office hours for yourself. This is where you will be able to tackle the priority things you need to get done on your to-do lists. You should plan your day, every day, on what you need to get done. There are different ways to do this, one is to batch your tasks into hour by hour or simply just a task to-do list. I have personally been using the site Asana right now for work and love that I can put in all the things I need to do for work today and check them off as I go. Also, try Monday or Slack.
One thing I like to do is not work past my regular work hours. It is something I make sure to do often to avoid letting work seep into my home life. It also reminds me that if I cannot finish everything on this list, that is fine. Give yourself a break, we are all working under different circumstances.
Tasks to do before ending for the day so that you have a fresh start for the next day:
- Close open tabs and programs on your computer.
- Tidy up your desktop.
- Put away any papers you need for work.
- Clean up any used plates or mugs
- Shut down the computer.
Tip 5 – Give Yourself Breaks

Make sure that you are scheduling break times. Take a pause to grab yourself a drink, step away from your desk for lunch and get up for a quick walk around to get your body moving. You can use this time to do something with the kids like having a quick dance party, so everyone is moving their bodies with the bonus of spending some time together. Doing these helps let your mind relax, helps you to stay focused and you need it for your sanity.
Final Thoughts

Don’t be too hard on yourself if your new work from home when you have kids routine isn’t perfect. Go easy on yourself. Give yourself time to adjust. Alright, were those tips on how to successfully work from home when you have kids, actionable for you to implement in your life? If so, make it your own, make it amazing and rock this uncertain time. You got this!
FYI – I invite you to join me in my signature The Organized Mom System where I virtually coach you and help you take control of your household by removing clutter, mastering your time & simplifying your life.
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