I feel like I am constantly on highways, always on the fast lane and simply moving all the time. There was no delay because I was constantly moving. Always on the go and always doing something at all times. I crowned myself multi-taskers and thought I was slaying everything in my way. No time for resting kind of mind frame. However, I felt like that and soon realized that I was burning at both ends. I was tired all the time, tired physically and emotionally. Which soon turned to the feeling like I wasn’t getting anything done. Completely discouraged.
Stick to Your Main Three

What does that mean? Well, what main three things are important today? Think about it. If you are working then work would be your main for the morning and afternoon. You could have three main tasks you need to work on at work. Those are your main priority for the day. Not everything you want to do for the week but the three of the day. That goes for when you get home. You can give yourself three main things you want to be done before you go to bed such as dinner, homework with kids and bedtime story with kids.
Let the Other Things Settle

Such as a tree can’t hold onto every leaf, you simply cannot hold on to every task you want to do for the week into one day. It can’t be done without you being stress. Slow down and let the non-important tasks settle into the next day. It is completely fine to not get everything done in a day. I used to be extremely overwhelmed when I couldn’t. Now, not so much because I decided to keep my blogging for only 5-10 minutes for three days out of the work week. Then full focus on my site on the weekends with a strict schedule for social media/ blog article scheduling that keeps my hands free. This way my job and my blog do not clash.
Related: Beginner Tips to Start a Natural Lifestyle
Take Five

I know that when life feels at its busiest, I need to take five minutes or time minutes to myself. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, it is healthy for yourself to do so. While you are taking five for yourself take some deep breaths. Deep breathes gives your body a good restart. I personally start my morning before I leave my front door and put on Stress Away essential oil for Young Living on my wrists and neck. It has lavender and vanilla inside. Not only is this a great natural perfume but also fantastic for keeping me sane during the unpredictable work days. It is like my version of coffee. You can tell when I am not using it.
Me Time

This one is a hard one. I didn’t even know that “me time” was because I was always on a moving train, however, now I make the effort and noticed how much my body needed it. I dedicate time for me to do nothing but lay down and watch tv. As well as make sure to go out and socialize with my best friend away from home. Activities such as these are known a “pressureless” activities. Think about activities you enjoy and add them into your week or month. It is important to take the time to take care of yourself.
Final Thoughts
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