How to Rid Your Home of Old and Useless Stuff

How to Rid Your Home of Old and Useless Stuff | City of Creative Dream


Are you a hoarder? Not the TLC-guy-or-girl-who-cannot-move-throughout-the-house hoarder. A mild type. The type who collects gum wrappers and other significant memorabilia from first dates, for example. The type who still keeps all of their jewellery from high school, though you know you would never wear it again. If this is you, it might be time for a change. Letting meaningless objects suffocate your surroundings is so 20th century. Moving around a lighter house makes very much of a difference, and here’s how you can make the first steps to achieve this.


In the Hallway

Probably all of us keep a box or another kind of container in the hallway, and it’s meant to keep various items that would otherwise be lost: keys, sunglasses, dog leash. The issue arises when it becomes a container for all the things that have no place of their own: think coins, business cards, receipts, new microwave manual. There’s only one way to address it, and it should be done asap: empty the container and toss. Do you really need an old receipt for a sweater? Of course, you don’t! Keep all of your manuals in one place, or maybe toss them altogether – there are electronic versions available online. Remember what you needed the entrance container in the first place, and stick to it. Keys. Sunglasses. Dog Leash.


In the Living Room

How to Rid Your Home of Old and Useless Stuff | City of Creative Dream

When was the last time you went through your personal library? Are there books in there that you hated? Good; get rid of them. Maybe you know someone who might enjoy them. If not, you can always donate them to a public library, or sell them to an antique store. Before you raise your voice: what’s really useful or great about keeping books you know you will never touch again? Make your library meaningful and try to only keep books that are useful or somehow spark your joy. Ever heard of Marie Kondo and her decluttering method? It might be a bit too much for some, but the basics are great, and that’s to only keep things you need, use regularly, or love.

Same goes for the magazine stand. How often do you really flip through the pages of the magazines you bought in 2014? Exactly. If there is something that’s really important and meaningful for you, take the pages out and keep them. Recycle the rest.


In the Bedroom

First things first: how is your bed? Does it make your sleep a relaxing evening as it should be, or is it causing you troubles? Furniture has an expiration date as well as everything else. If the bed is over 10 years old, you might consider buying a new one. It’s not an everyday purchase but it is one that will make your life significantly better, and as such, it’s worth every cent. Sometimes even a mattress replacement can do wonders for your sleep, your back, neck, and overall wellbeing. And while you’re at it, don’t even think about disposing of your old furniture by putting it in the garage! A lot of people tend to do that, but it means just creating clutter somewhere else. For example, instead of hoarding bunch of things in the garage, many Aussies tend to hire home removals to help them with the bulky things. An easy way to get rid of such items in Australia is to arrange home removalists from Sydney and just sit and watch as your home is becoming more clutter-free.


Other items that need purging are, of course, in your closet. You can let it drag for years or you can tackle the issue right now. Jeans from high school? T-shirt from a basketball tournament in 2008? Donate if in good condition. Otherwise, don’t think twice and throw away.


In the Bathroom

How to Rid Your Home of Old and Useless Stuff | City of Creative Dream


Male or female, unless you are super cautious about what you keep at home, we bet you have a few pieces that have either expired or are no longer used. There’s only one solution when it comes to these: toss! It’s okay to change your mind, so don’t feel guilty about not using certain products. What’s even more important, you don’t want to be putting something suspicious onto your skin!


In the Kitchen

How to Rid Your Home of Old and Useless Stuff | City of Creative Dream
There are the tools you use, and there are some you will be using in the future. Or at least that’s what you told yourself when you got them ten years ago, and the future… well, apparently, it never arrived. Maybe your friend would love them?  Reaching for various items will be much easier once you don’t have to dig through a pile of spatulas and other things you don’t even know the names of. Another area that definitely needs evaluation is the pantry, as well as the herbs and spices cupboard. It will take a couple of hours, but it is rewarding. Check all the food you have in there, and admit to yourself you won’t be using linseed you got a year ago if you never got around it so far.



We tend to keep things we get. Maybe we’re clinging to the persons we want to be: smoothie-making serum-using chefs. But it’s fine to just accept ourselves for who we are, and live like the persons we are today. We can always try something new and, why not, get a new book everybody’s talking about, only to discover its values are not aligned with ours. It’s what we do with this book afterwards. Don’t keep it – pass it on.
Contributed courtesy of Jessie

Jessie is a passionate blogger and home designer. She loves writing about tips and tricks that make every home a better place, inside and outside. Besides this, she loves sports, outdoor activities and spending time with her close ones. Check out: Facebook & Twitter

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