We can’t always see when stress arrives. There is not a flashing sign or phone reminder to inform you. In fact, sometimes it just sneaks up on you. It is that feeling in your body that just does not sit right on you. Such as an uncomfortable sweater or wet clothing in the rain. It ultimately sucks! However, there are days when it happens. So, how can we change that? How can we fix it? Today I want to talk about how to relieve stress when you’re hit your absolute lowest because we have all been there. Even me!
Take a breather
I always talk about taking a breath. If you are a parent then you know that you must have told your child to take a breath a couple of times due to tantrums or panic. Why? It is very important because it restarts the body. It is a do-over for your body. Try to do it a couple times a day. Take three deep breaths. If you can try to close your eyes during it. It is will clear the mind and relax your body. Another way is to leave the room to a new room while you are doing this. The best place of all is to go outside and go for a walk to clear your mind as well. Fresh air is always needed for these times.
Talk to Someone

There is nothing wrong about talking to Someone about your problems. It doesn’t burden someone else. It doesn’t hurt anyone else. It’s what you are going through and someone should know about it. If you haven’t noticed you may be already doing so. It can be family or your best friend or even a professional. Talking helps release the pressure of this stress feeling. It lets you give over the bag you are holding on to. Plus you can even get advice that can help you.
Find you’re happy

You are going to have to be selfish for a moment. Yes, I am talking about thinking about you the main person who is stressed right this minute. We both know you are stressed for a reason and has to be that you are taking on too much at this time, too much at work, in life or holding onto too much in your head. You have to take care of yourself and one way is to do activities you love. Set aside the time to have fun. Remember what that is? The time when you are not thinking about anything but having fun. If what you are thinking about doing makes your smile, you are on the right path.
Listen to your body
Your body gives you warning signs. It signals you as brightly as it can to tell you when something is wrong. And stress does show in your body. For some, it can be pains such as shoulder pains or back pains while others can be restless sleep or headaches. Adjust your sleep if you need to or take a day off to repower yourself.
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Coping Mechanism

We all have things we do to help calm us. If you don’t know yours you will realize it after reading this. For some, they need to eat when they are stress or go for a walk, work out or jog. For other is maybe painting or drawing. It can be music playing or music listening. The list goes on. Mine depends on what I am going through. There are times when all I want to do is listen to music and other times I must clean. Everyone’s coping mechanism is different.
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Final Thoughts

Stress is not easy to handle and the time you are going through right this minute may feel like it is never going to end however I believe you can get through it. I know you can. You can concur your stress because I bet you have done so many times before. Remember that and remember the suggestions above in case you forget. Power through!
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