Are you a mom that has mom guilt? I bet you are! If you don’t feel like you have some guilt than you must know a mom that has some mom guilt. What is it anyway? It is when you are not feeling like you are enough. You feel guilty about one thing or another that you find is not reaching your highest expectation of motherhood. We worry about failing our kids, our family, ourselves. The expectations we put on ourselves are heavy.
So, how to overcome and release your mom guilt? That is what we are going to discuss today!
Stop Comparing

When was it the last time you found yourself in a black hole of “Geesh when is my life going to be like that” or “I wish I was a mom like that!“.
When we scroll through mommy bloggers, see moms down the street that look all put together and simply rocking their life better than us, we tend to compare ourselves automatically. It is so instant that we are not even aware of it sometimes.
Does comparing yourself make you feel any better? No.
By doing this, does it change your current circumstance? Nope.
So why are we are wasting our time tearing ourselves down instead of building ourselves up because let’s face it, comparing does not make us feel good. Personally, for me, it bothered me to the point that I felt defeated. I can’t stand that feeling!
I like to remind myself that comparing yourself to someone’s journey is like trying to put your foot into a shoe that doesn’t fit. Have you ever tried to put your foot in a shoe that was not your size, you either can’t get your foot in or you can barely walk because it is so big. No matter how much you try, it won’t fit, so stick to your own shoes.
When that thought comes into your head, I want you to stop it. Tell yourself that your destination is not too far that you can’t reach for it. Maybe try something new in your life like changing the way you do things in your schedule.
Forgive Yourself

I want you to forgive yourself for not knowing everything, for picking up your child late from school, for forgetting lunch, for not being perfect. Hello! No one is perfect which I way we need to give ourselves some slack.
My perfectionism was hit with a wrecking ball when I had my son. No matter how much I wanted to be the perfect mom, it was a hill I was struggling to climb because there is no such thing as a perfect mom. My version of perfect may not be yours but all of us aim way too high for anyone to reach.
So forgive yourself for not having the best day ever, for hiding from your kids in the bathroom, crying on the floor when it gets too hard and getting take out instead of making a home-cooked meal.
Forgive yourself from getting mad, feeling overwhelmed, being stressed or being tired.
Yes, forgive yourself for all the things you tell yourself that you “should have done this” or you “should be doing that“.
Once you start forgiving yourself, you will start feeling all those expectations you have on your shoulders to loosen up. You start to laugh things off instead of beating yourself up about it and then you are letting go of it.
You Are Enough

Stop telling yourself that “You are a bad mom.” Because you are not! What you are doing is trying your very best.
If you think about it there is no concrete book or step by step guide to parenting your kids and being the best mom. Instead, we get an entire section of parenting books in a million different styles, different ways and tips. We make it as we go.
I want you to know (even if you don’t believe it) that you are enough.
The most loving thing you can tell yourself is that you are enough. That is power right there. Just by saying it to yourself, you are setting your mindset to remember how worthy you are of everything.
We put some much pressure on ourselves. But just remember that you are enough just by being you.
Celebrate Every Accomplishment
We all can do better but what have you done today that was great? Focus on that. Think of three things that you think were awesome today as a parent.
Yes, I want you to clap it up for yourself for how far you have come. Clap for your path, your journey and you are simply rocking it.
Now I know how hard it can be to incorporate me-time into your busy schedule but celebrating yourself for the big and the small stuff is well deserved.
Us moms don’t always get the appreciation that we need. We definitely don’t get asked to do things nicely but automatically get expected to do it. And don’t get me started on the reminder for everyone to say thank you or please.
At the end of the day or whenever you have a moment to blink, take a second to be your number one cheerleader.
I want you to give yourself the most encouraging words and remind yourself that you’re doing fantastic today and to keep up the hard work.
Final Thoughts
If there is one thing you should take away from my entire post is that you are rocking today and every day just by showing up the way you do. Remember to stop comparing yourself to other moms, forgive yourself for not being perfect, remember you are enough and celebrate every accomplishment. Keep it up mom boss!
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