How to organize your crazy busy mom schedule? Do you feel like you are up to your eyeballs with things you need to do? I am right there with you!
Ever feel like you are constantly going back and forth from one activity to the next? Oh, yes, that is something I struggle with too.
Maybe you are forgetting the small stuff, fallen into bad habits and completely forget about your me-time? Welcome to the motherhood street called busy mom syndrome.
So, how can you organize your crazy busy mom schedule? I am going to share some secrets.
Your Daily Crazy Busy Mom Schedule

We are on cruise control and not in a good way. Yes, we are stuck in this repetitive routine of waking up, getting the kids ready for school, making breakfast, getting out of the door with a coffee hopefully, drop the kids off at school or daycare to make our way to work.
After work sucks you dry of your golden energy time, you are not done when you head home, there is dinner to cook, homework to help, extra after school activities and then get the kids to bed.
By the time you are done all of that, you don’t have time for yourself and hit the end of your battery, so you go to bed. Am I right?
Are you throwing your hands up and saying, “Yes that is my life!” or “You are speaking my truth!” then grab a seat next to me because we are all boarded on the same train, my friend.
Since there are a million things we need to do without appreciation or gold metal, we must schedule it, or our brains will explode.
The best way to schedule everything? It must work for your lifestyle. I am not going to say one thing is better than the other because one thing is not better than others. Sorry to disappoint lol.
I want you to think about what I am going to share with you it is not about better in a way of quality or popularity or trend but better in the way that matches your lifestyle or family.
Here are a few ideas for scheduling you and your family:
- Large or small planner (from Michael’s Craft Store, Indigo or Amazon)
- A calendar app for your phone. (Phone calendar or Outlook Calendar)
- Wall calendar (Mom Calendar)
- Whiteboard calendar
I don’t want you to think that because I am organized, this comes easy for me. In my life alone, I have tried many different things before I knew what is right for me and my family.
Personally, for me, I use a mixture of both wall calendars and shared phone calendars but believe me, I thought I was a planner person until I got tired of leaving it at home or having to carry it in my purse.
My point is that I don’t want you to think you have to figure it all out, try things until you find the one (or two) that works with you and your family.
Grab Free Organizing Printables! – Join thousands who access my free resource library to snag yourself this – Kid’s Schedule and many more!
Create that Routine

Can a busy mom master a routine? The answer is, we aren’t going to hit the nail every single time but when we do, we feel like a million bucks. Things happen.
We can finally get everyone out of the door and into the car and completely get blindsided by your child throwing up in the back seat of the car. Don’t we feel like “Yup, the whole day is ruined,” or “Can’t I get a break!” as we gather everything back and go back inside. In other words, I am telling you that you are never going to have the perfect routine.
My life method is that I no longer create time by time schedule because it’s hard to maintain every single day, but routines are better such as having my morning routine.
I have the routine of brushing teeth, combing hair, leaving breakfast for my son, pack our lunches and head to work. These are things I do every day. It is the same routine. So, create your realistic routine!
Set up after school routines for your kids so they get into the habit of emptying their backpacks and having them take out lunch bags. Use a file holder or file tray as your command center for all papers and agendas to go so you are staying on top of things.
Lastly, create your evening or bedtime routine. When dinner is done, dishes are washed, it is time for the bath time, teeth time, storytime and saying goodnight.
I challenge you to add some me-time at the end of the night when the kids are in bed. Wrap yourself in a blanket and watch your favourite show or read a book you been wanting to read.
Use Weekends to Prep

Are you using your weekends to prep for the week? If you are not, you should because it honestly makes a huge difference in maximizing your time.
In my life, I spend Sundays preparing my son’s lunches and snacks and lunches for myself for work. Yes, I make at least 3-4 lunches ahead of time because I know myself well enough to know that I am exhausted at the end of a long day. I don’t have the energy in the morning to make lunches every day and rather use that time for extra sleep.
Prep for dinners for the week. I know many moms who make large batches of dinners and then freeze it so that it is easy to warm dinner every day.
Also, jot down the grocery needs from the grocery store throughout the week so you have an action plan to make dinner. It will make your life easier and reduce your urge to spend money on takeout all the time.
Consider ordering your groceries using companies like InstaCart to free some of your time from having to go to the store.
Grab Free Organizing Printables! – Join thousands who access my free resource library to snag yourself this – Meal Prep and many more!
Final Thoughts
I want you to know that you are rocking this journey called motherhood. This article on how to organize your crazy busy mom schedule is not designed for you to be perfect. It will never be perfect, and you shouldn’t strive for that.
We all need to get through each day so why not use mom hacks or tips and tricks that can ease your stress and get you on what you envisioned motherhood to be.
Whether you desire more quality time with your kids or need more me-time, you should incorporate some or all of these ideas to help you achieve that. Keep up the great work, mom boss!
Related: How to Master Planning the Week Ahead of Time