It is so easy to simply want to sleep, scroll through social media or be nosey on your commute home by bus or train but little did you know that this is the precious opportunity to get things done. It really makes my life easier to have this time blocked off just for me. As much as I wish I could drag over my desk everywhere with a nice comfortable chair. I know that it would only take up space on a bus or train so I have to settle on with the seats provided. Today we are going to talk about how to master your daily commute to be more successful.

If you are going to school this is the perfect time to get studying. Crack open your textbook and study away. Most times, no one is bothering you on the bus or train. The most you will get is someone who needs to get up to go to their stop but you can save yourself from that by sitting by the window. You are not bothering anyone by studying. Plus, this is saving yourself time when you get home so that you can take a moment for yourself.
Side Hustle Time

I spend my commutes writing…writing and writing regardless if it is a short destination or not. It is the best time to really get out all my ideas because no one is bothering me. I love using this time! It is where I write my blog articles then I simply email it to myself to copy and paste on my platform. A time saver for sure. I cut my time working on my blog posts in half simply by working on it on the subway. So whether you are writing or have things you need to get done, use this time!
Related: My Secrets & Advice For Beginner Bloggers
Another way you can use this time is to organize your day or your week. Sometimes, I like to map out what I want to write about for next week while I am on the train. It is a great time to see what I want to do so that I can start it on my next commute or when I get home. My phone is the only thing in my hand when it comes to organizing my life, reason being is that I don’t have time to pull out a planner or laptop since my commute is shorter but my phone is small enough to hold everything I need and to organize all my tasks and to-dos.
Online Courses/Workshops

On the bus, I used to listen to online courses and workshops because I knew that when I got home I just didn’t have the time to sit and listen. It is a great time to listen to your favourite podcasts as well. Use this time to learn about things you love to know more about. I have some favourite bloggers and influencers that have their own courses and workshops so I make sure that I get a chance to listen to it, if not live then at least the replay. You can get some much inspiration that way!
Final Thoughts
There are many ways that you can use your commute time. We talked about studying for school or a course you are taking, as well as using the time to work on your side hustle such as writing article for your blog. You can also use this time to organize your day or arrange what you need to get done for the week. Finally, you can use this time to take online courses or workshops from your favourite bloggers and influencers. Yes, instead of sleeping use this time to master your daily commute to be more successful.