Last time I talked about my Shopkins version of these adorable lollipops. This time I am talking about Roli Polie Olie lollipops stickers. This character shows used to be one of my favourites when I was little and now it is nice to see that my son loves the same show. I don’t know how huge this show is nowadays but when my little one asked me to do Roli Polie Olie for him, I couldn’t say no. Plus, I mean how many kids in his class would think of the same show when there is Paw Patrol, Pokemon and Emoji trends everywhere?
How to Make Rolli Polli Oli Lollipops?
Step 1: Search for the Photos
I found getting images of Rolli Polli Oli characters to be more difficult than when I typically get this done. It is all because, unlike the characters I had to do prior, this show ended in 2007. Only repeats are ever on Disney Channel which my son likes to watch before bed. Lucky for you. You can use the ones that I created at the bottom of this article. Once I found photos I then use Microsoft Word to organize them in a document.
Step 2: Buy Sticker Paper
It doesn’t really matter which sticker paper company you choose. I have used both Cricut sticker paper from Michaels Craft Store and now Avery sticker paper from Staples. The only real difference between the two companies is the price and the number of sheets in a package.
Step 3: Print on Sticker Paper
Insert your sticker paper into your printer with the back of the paper with words that should be facing you. I always like to mention that just in case and so that it prints directly on the correct side of the sticker paper.
Step 4: Cut Each Character Out
Step 5: Stick the Characters on Lollipop Wrappers
Step 6: Repeat
Final Thoughts
Think about creating these for your little one’s party or as a classroom treat. This is a tradition that I love doing for my siblings and son. It gives us an extra bond and lasting memory. I will continue to keep creating this craft until they get old enough that I can’t anymore.
Print out your very own right now!