How to make organizing work for me? Hey friend! I hear the opposite of this all the time so I want to address it head-on. Have you ever said, what if organizing doesn’t work for me? Today you are in for a treat because I am not going to sugar coat it for you, I am going to say so what if it doesn’t work for you because I am going to tell you organizing can work for you. Let’s change “what if organizing doesn’t work for me?” into how can I make organizing work for me!
Let’s get to it, here is why it might not have worked in the past:
You Strive for Perfection

Perfection is a slippery slope. I know it all too well because I am a recovering perfectionist. It is always something I am going to need to work on and something my mom always calls a curse because trying to be perfect when we are all imperfect is a battlefield yet many of us struggle with it. I don’t want you to strive for perfection. I want you to think progress over perfection.
You Believe You Can’t Be Organized
Let’s just take a moment and look at your mindset. Don’t let yourself tell you that you can’t do anything! Girl, YOU CAN! If you think you can do it, guess what, you can do it! Promote positivity in your mindset and remove all those thoughts that do not serve you. That is the only way you will be able to reach your goal.
You Went for Instagram Instead of Reality
We all scroll, pin and like photos that are simply perfect as if it has never been touched by any child or lived through life. Well, we think it because it is true. Photos are staged to look visually appealing, I bet your favourite homes or bloggers don’t look 100% all day every day. Stop jumping on that imposter syndrome wagon and start comparing yourself. That is Instagram, not reality.
Speaking about reality. Tell me, what is your reality? What is your daily routine? I only ask because when organizing for your life and your home, you need to consider looking at your daily routine as a foundation for organizing your home. You can learn so much just by the way you live and use your home. Organize to match your life, not someone else’s.
I hope that motivated you into action. Remember that effort is needed in all aspects of your life. You got this!
What Difference Will Organizing Make in Your Life?

Alright, so you might be wondering what difference will organizing make in your life? Well, I got a few answers to that very question for you. Let me give you the short version of my answer.
- Organizing is beneficial because it eases stress.
- It is visually appealing to look at compared to clutter.
- You can find things that you are looking for without frustration.
- It saves you so much time searching.
- You feel more in control of your household.
- The benefit of no longer having to hold onto things that you don’t use.
Best Organizing Tips
- Choose a Space to Start (Just Start Somewhere!)
- Adjust Your Mindset
- Making A Plan of Action Before Starting
- Let Go of Things You Don’t Need
- Match your Daily Routine
- Categorize Everything
- Putting Items Back
Final Thoughts
How to make organizing work for you? It is all about consistency, not striving for perfection, believing you can and benefit from the perks. It makes a difference in your life just by being able to walk into your home feeling at peace, not with the feeling of overwhelm and frustration. I love helping you out the best way I know how so if you need some 1 on 1 help, email me a photo of your space that you are having trouble with and I will give you my best tips to help you through it.
FYI – I invite you to join me in my signature The Organized Mom System where I virtually coach you and help you take control of your household by removing clutter, mastering your time & simplifying your life.
Related: 5 Mistakes Preventing You From A Happy Organized