Wondering how to make a to-do list that works? Well, then my next question would be do you believe that a failure to plan is a plan to fail? I’ll admit, I’m annoyingly organized but I guess you already figured that one out. As I’m sitting down to plan this week’s schedule, here’s what I’m most excited to see on my list: scheduling my social and blog posts so that I am free up my time for my family. How are your week’s plans shaping up? Do you use a to-do list?
Making lists are very personal and the way or style we choose to do it can vary. There is research on why writing things down is better but let’s face it, most of the time we have our phones in your hands more than a pen. But find what works best for you. Here are my tips:
Step 1 – Keep it Simple

We have many things to do but making a super long list will only decrease your motivation. It will make you feel like you are climbing a mountain. So keep it simple. Try taking that list and divide it into different days or create a most important to-do list just for today and create a new one for tomorrow. The last thing you need to be is overwhelmed so keep it simple.
Step 2 – Block Time

Now that you have your list block out time for when you want to get these things done. Such as dinner you know you need to block time out at least an hour or so for prepping and cooking dinner as well as the time to eat it. Block time out for working out, working at your job, and when you want to get specific things done around the house. This gives you a gameplan to work with.
Step 3 – Be Flexible & Celebrate
Be reasonable and flexible, if something comes up in life that derails your scheduled tasks, give yourself grace. Don’t stress about it because tomorrow is a brand new day. Life happens whether we like it or not so give yourself some wiggle room to be able to handle whatever gets thrown your way.
Oh and don’t forget to celebrate what you do accomplish on your list! Did you do laundry at the time you wanted? Yes! Celebrate it with a celebratory dance.
Final Thoughts

Remember that tomorrow you can start fresh so stay motivated and check off some boxes. If you love an old fashioned to-do list, I have a pretty fun one in my free resource library that I love. My secret is to only print it off once, laminate it, and use a dry erase marker so I can reuse it every single day.
If you want one don’t forget to become one of my VIPs and snag my BOSS To-Do List and more from me. I have plenty of organizing tools and checklists to help you live a stress-free life.
I love helping you out the best way I know how so if you need some 1 on 1 help, DM a photo of your space on Instagram or email me and I will give you my best tips to help you through it. How can I help you? Share below in the comments!