The common question we like to think about is “I’ll be happy when…” but today I don’t want you to think about that. Today I want you to love your life you’re living right now instead of filling in the blank to the question I mentioned above with a car or mansion or promotion to a job.
Just for kicks, let’s think about it for a moment what if you were to get all of these things that you wanted, would you truly be happy? The answer is always yes but for how long. It is short term happiness that pushes you towards another goal or object to replace the last one starting the whole process all over again. It’s like you are chasing an imaginary carrot.
So let’s stop chasing that imaginary carrot for a moment and love life right now in the present time we are standing in. Stop looking for problems and embrace the good qualities of your life right now. What you see right now around you in your life, is what is real so let’s help you find the happiness in it.
Slow Down Yourself

Life is constantly moving fast. I see so many people walk faster to get somewhere and drive faster to get home. We get so focused on everything having to be fast that we start getting impatient when we have to wait. Time waiting in lines are annoying and don’t forget having to wait in traffic. Yuck! Because we are constantly moving in fast paces the more impatient we get in life.
So let’s break the cycle. Let’s slow down. The world is not going to do it for you so you need to do it for yourself. Slow down. Take a breather. Relax. Just by applying the extra time to slow down in your life will lessen your stress. It will allow you time to think, to be patient with yourself and with others.
Related:Â 5 Uplifting Things To Do When You Are Stress
Admire What You Have

It can be so easy to forget to admire what you have when your too busy thinking about what you don’t have. We buy things to collect more stuff and decorate to redecorate all the time. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with doing this from time to time. We all grow out of things and need a little change once in a while however we also need to be happy with what we have as well.
When was it the last time you look around at your stuff and was grateful for all that you have? Maybe you did this recently or maybe you don’t remember the last time you did this. Take a moment today to reach for your favourite blanket or mug or item and just reflect on why it is your favourite.
By doing this, you are feeding your mind with positive memories and encouragement towards your home and life.
Related:Â How to Get Out of Your Own Way
Reactivate Past Goals

Sometimes we buy things that we think will change our life for the better. We put dreams onto these things thinking if you have it then our life would be different. That we will make a better effort with we have this in our lives and before we know it, we have bought the item and it sits there.
Do you have an item like that? Did you buy a sports set or puzzles or board games hoping that you would spend more time with your family once you bought this? I bet you did but did you actually use it the way that you intended on using it? Probably not. So, let’s reactivate that goal and block time for it.
Put it into your calendar and make the effort to get this goal or project done. It sat in your mind collecting dust instead of getting done. So now is the time to carve it out at least once a week. Choose a day that you are not typically busy and block it off or be spontaneous and find the time today. You will feel so refreshed when you do.
Related:Â Things you can do Now to start Achieving your Goals
Accept Your Life

As a perfectionist, I like the fact I have control over certain things. Now life is one thing I don’t have control over and that is a fact. We don’t have 100% control over our lives. If you thought we did, I am sorry to break it to you. What I can tell you that you do have control over is how you view things. You decide on how you view your life, handle and deal with what life throws at you, learn and understand what is happening.
The ball is in our court. Why focus on past mistakes that you cannot change when you can learn from them and create a better path. Take a bad situation and make it good… no make it great… no make it amazing because you have the power to do that.
Avoid being upset with how your life is going right now. It may not be what you imagined or what you dreamt for yourself. However, instead of being angry about it, look at the positive side of it. Think of your life as half-full.
Related:Â Do What You Love When Your A Perfectionist
Reflect on Your Life
I’ve been getting in the habit of reflecting on my life. It has been a very eye-opening experience for me because I am not the type who thinks or talks about my accomplishment often. In fact, I notice that my friends and family promote me more than I promote myself which is so funny to me. However, I tend to checkmark it and move on to the next project. It’s a hustling mindset that doesn’t allow me to slow down as much.
So by taking the time to reflect on life and how far you have come is such a humbling moment for yourself. It is a boost of encouragement that is so necessary to do because you have come so far and you have overcome so much to get to where you are right now. You have learned much more than you have in the past and can really feel the power of self.
You would not be who you are today if you haven’t gone through everything you been through in your life. Think about how strong you are now, how your flaws have defined your strength and your goals are there because of your past. You want better, you got better and your growing and continually learning.
Take a moment to write down your accomplishes in your life. Go back in time and celebrate all that you have done because you did that. You’re a show stopper in your own life. Embrace it.
Related:Â How to Celebrate Your Successes
Do More In Life

I am a planner. It comes like a bundle when you love organizing. So, not planning is super hard for me however it is good to not plan everything in your life and allow life to happen. Do more with your life without a planner. That doesn’t mean to neglect your responsibilities. I am not saying that, but I am saying that you should carve time for fun.
We got dreams, goals and bucket lists but why not do the fun ones that you always wanted to try or do. Feed your life by trying new things that you love or going out with friends for a fun day in the city.
If money is an obstacle in your life, there are ways to do fun activities without breaking the bank. I love going on Groupon to find fantastic deals on activities I want to try. Some of my best days are simply hanging out with my best friend and walking around downtown looking at all the buildings and going down by the harborfront. We can just talk for hours next to the water view.
Related:Â Fun Things to Cross Off Your Bucket List Before 30
Final Thoughts
So how do you love the life you’re living right now? By slowing down, admiring what you do have, reactivating past goals, accepting and reflecting on your life and doing more fun activities. All these things are there to help you see that your life right now may not be perfect, it may not be everything you want but it is the best life you have right now. Love your life and see it half-full instead of half-empty and you will see a huge change to how you view your life.