How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

How to improve and simplify your entryway area was the question I have been seeking for so long. So this makeover that I am showing you today is well needed. It has been a while since I’ve shown you a makeover around my home but I am pleased to finally show you my day’s work towards my entryway area. So, in order to improve and simplify your entryway area, I have to do this myself.


The before picture is pretty scary to look at. In fact, I almost didn’t want you to see it but in order to see the whole transformation, you got to look at the before picture. Even though the perfectionist in me is dying on the inside. Our old entertainment center was supposed to work as an open bookshelf but instead ended up not working out the way that we needed.
How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

The Plan

Of course, I always have a plan in mind. This original idea popped into my head while I was on the computer talking to my mom about something else. As she was talking, I was sketching away this idea. It was funny that I was done my idea by the time she was done talking. Before I knew it I was asking if we had the budget for my plan.

Here is what I imagined:
How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

Building/ Decluttering Process

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

Since I already bought the shoe cabinets from IKEA and gave it some handles to give it a more customized look, it was all about building the Brimnes bookcases. It was fun building these but definitely tiring because I wanted everything to be done before my son got home from school. Yes, it was off to the races for me.

Declutter – That was the main thing that we need to do first was to declutter the area. This means my mom had some work to do to see what to keep, donate and throw away since this was here area mostly.

RelatedHow to Declutter Your Living Room in a Day?

Categories – Once that was done, I was able to see what could go with what. The games will need their own section because we have a ton of board games. We also had many crafts activities so we needed an area for that as well. The rest was cookbooks and books in general so they need their own area and bookcase shelf.

Entryway Area Reveal

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

What do you think? It took my eyes a little bit of time to adjust to the new change. I really wanted to have three in the middle because we have three of them but only two could fit. Ugh! However, my client (aka my mom) loves her new area.

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

The shoes for my siblings are hidden and tucked away. We like having the shoe organizers here instead of on the wall on top of our sitting area/toy storage area. I am happy we went with the darker stained bookcases because it went so well with the shoe organizers.

Related:  IKEA HACK: BISSA Shoe Cabinet

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

The frames we bought at the dollar store instead because it was cheaper, it only cost $3.00 each and still gave me the look I was going for to display our family photos. My mom bought the water fountains from Michaels Craft Store for a buy one get one deal. I added the flower boxes that I created for my barn wedding-themed project I did for Shutterfly for some colour.

RelatedHow to Create an Elegant Wedding Centerpiece

How to Improve and Simplify Your Entryway Area Makeover | City of Creative Dreams

Final Thoughts

I can feel the difference in the space! It is must more spacious for when everyone comes in at once and feels like we are walking into a mini-hotel or spa. The water fountains are so calming when we put it on and the diffuser adds the essential oils we need to purify our home. I don’t feel stress or overwhelmed with clutter anymore.

It gave us the opportunity to go through everything and see what w actually need and don’t. I love that I don’t have to stare at the towering games we have. It is home sweet home for sure.

RelatedLiving Room Makeover Reveal

What do you think? Comment and tell me below!
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