Let’s talk about how to declutter your Instagram account. Who loves Instagram? Well, we all do because let’s face it, we spend so much time liking photos, commenting and watching Insta-stories. Who is with me on that one? Hands up! But if you are anything like me, I follow people a lot… A LOT.
Which means that I may have gotten in trouble with Instagram for following too many people at once. I mean seriously I get in trouble for that! But it’s true, I have a liking problem, and following problem but let’s talk about ways to declutter your Instagram.
Your Instagram Following

Let’s talk about who you are following. If you have a boatload of influencers, stores and celebrities it can fun to scroll through and see it all. For me, I began following too many people that it was hard to see the people that I really wanted to see. Yes, it started to get a little overwhelming.
Just like our homes and our belongings we need to declutter the people we follow. It sounds strange but it’s something we all need to consider doing every once and a while. When looking at your list of followers you want to ask yourself these questions:
- Why do I follow you?
- Does this brand/influencer or celebrity have a feed that I still love?
- Has this brand/influencer or celebrity post in the last 6 months?
- Does this brand/influencer or celebrity bring something to my life that I enjoy?
If the answer is yes then keep this person or brand and move on to the next person. What you don’t want to do is keep brands or influencers that don’t post anything for years, closed down or doesn’t bring something to your life like advice or products you love.
Save Photos

I don’t know about you but do you save certain pictures, recipes and more? If you have no clue what I am talking about Instagram has a spot where you can save photos by tapping a little ribbon.
Well, saving photos are great until you have too much. Now you can organize these pictures better by creating folders to put these photos in. Go through your saved photos and remove any that you no longer need such as products that you have already bought or ones you no longer like anymore. And don’t forget to create folders to keep it organized so you can easily find what you are looking for.
Direct Messages

Who doesn’t love when someone sends you a DM (Direct Message). I am always excited to see that someone made the effort to send me a message. Just like our choice of people we follow and our saved photos section we want to be selective of who we keep in your DMs. Think about it as an email account, there will be mail you need and mail that is junk.
Junk mail can be those people who want to sell you something that you are clearly not interested in. As bloggers and influencers, we can get those a lot of the time.
If your account is not a private account you can bet that you will sometimes get messages from people you do not know or interested in talking to. You can get them even if you’re not private as well. Those accounts tend to go into a separate section for your approval. Go through them and delete the ones you do not need.
Final Thoughts
It is so easy to get caught up on in liking everything believe me but remember that just because you like one photo doesn’t mean you have to follow the account. You can simply like a photo and move one. Also, you don’t have to sit down and follow everyone under the sun. Follow people who bring some value or inspiration or happiness into your life. By doing this you are decluttering your Instagram account. Sign up and grab yourself my Social Media Decluttering Checklist from my free resource library.

[…] you press follow, it just keeps increasing right? I challenge you to declutter your followers and remove the ones who don’t bring value in your life. That means think before you follow. […]