Wondering, how to best organize your kid’s school papers? If you are looking for some help with organizing kids’ school papers, you have come to the right place. Today I am dropping knowledge bombs. We are going to discuss how to sort through your kids’ school papers, how to organize your kid’s school papers and an alternate way to keep the artwork or school projects that are too big or awkwardly shaped to stay in your home.
Step 1 – Sort Through your Kid’s School Paper & Artwork.
First, Create Three Piles.
I like to sort out the school papers and artwork that I want, the ones I don’t want and the ones that are too big or awkwardly shaped to fit in my home. This means you are going to need either a piece of paper or sticky note to remember which pile is which and place them on the ground. For me, I label one recycling, one keep and one called picture.
Next, Start Sorting.
Now that you have your piles marked, you are ready to sort through your child’s paper. Use the piles’ as markers for what you want to keep can go into the keep pile. What you don’t want can go into recycling and what you want to keep but don’t have space for into the picture category.
The rule of thumb is to keep only the work that means the most to you and that you absolutely love or your child loves however Just as a warning if your child is helping you do this, they may negotiate on keeping everything.
I personally like to keep my son’s artwork or his written stories or assignments where he is talking about his family or his favourite things. I honestly don’t keep his assignments such as completed math sheets or tests because I am not going to look back at it. If you do, that is awesome just keep a few and not all.
Lastly, Recycle!
What are you going to do with all of those papers that you don’t want? Well, you guessed it, you are going to recycle it. In most cases we are just getting a load of paper assignments that your child has been using throughout the year so, if you don’t want them, need them, or going to revisit it in the future then the best thing to do is recycle it!
Step 2 – Organize Kids School Paper & Artwork
Now that you separate everything into three piles: one recycling, one keep and one called picture then recycles what you don’t need, it is time to dive right into the organizing part.
Get a Storage Container
You are going to need a storage container that can fit what you need. In my home, I use a scrapbook case that I bought from Michaels but you can get it from Amazon too. It is 12 by 12 in size and flat so it doesn’t take up too much space. However, you can also use a bin or storage box.
Also, Consider Getting Folders
I like to take it a step further by using a pocket file folder to put the papers and art in that are 8×11. This way I can separate it from the other school years I have in my container but also because it looks much neater when I do so. The ones that can’t fit simply stay beneath it.
Lastly, Label It!
To utilize space in my storage container, I like to have more than one school year’s art and school work inside. However, I don’t want to get confused about which year is what. That is why I make sure to write the year and grade on top of the file folder but also use my label machine to print a label for the outside of my case that tells me which grades are inside.
Step 3 –Â Organize Bulky/Awkwardly Shaped Kids School Projects
Now that we broke down how to organize your kid’s school paper and artwork with labelled storage containers and a pocket file folder, we are going to dive right into the next part. We are going to talk about the ones that you want but are very bulky, awkwardly shaped or too large to stay in your space.
First, Snap a Photo.
In this final pile, the one that I called the picture, is exactly what it means we are going to take a photo of the item. This way the memory stays alive without having the physical item. Of course, if you have space in your storage box or container, by all means, keep it in there. However, for those who have limited space like me, this is a simple solution.
For best light, choose a space on the floor or table that is by a window. Remember not to block the light with your body. Now all you need is your phone (or camera) and snap a photo. Sometimes you might struggle to know which way something goes, but that is the beauty of being able to use the rotate button.
Next, Upload.
Once you have your photo, is time to upload it onto your computer and save it into a file. I personally save mine in a folder labelled by grade. Here is where you can leave the photo in there for future projects. For me, I am saving them to create a memory picture book once I get more photos or print them out to put into an album.
Finally, You Recycle!
Since you have a photo of the projects, you no longer need to hold on to them. Recycle them, however, you might not want to do that in front of your kids though. Another option is to have your kids play with it until it is no longer playable. Either way, eventually it is going to find its way to the recycling and then you will be grateful to have a photo of it.
Final Thoughts
Look at that, you are all done! Can you feel the love? I dropped knowledge bombs everywhere in this post. Before I go, I want to do a quick recap to make sure that you got all the notes. I taught you how to sort your kid’s school papers, how to organize your kid’s school papers and we talked about what to do with those awkwardly shaped or large school projects you want to keep. That is a lot of information but so worth it.
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