Let’s start with your home.
Step 1 – Declutter

You are not going to feel organized if your home doesn’t reflect it. So you want to get rid of things you do not need, no longer use or is broken and unuseful. This will lessen the load of cleaning you have to do after the kids tornados through plus it also teaches your kids to give back.
How often should you do this? It depends on how much you collect throughout the year. Personally, for my family, we like to do this at least three times throughout the year, after or before New Years, Spring Cleaning in March/April and Summer just before back to school shopping.
We are at the point where we just have a donation bag at one part of our home for quick access. You would be surprised how quickly the bag gets full. If you happen to shop where you donate, you can sometimes get a coupon for your next shopping trip.
Step 2 – Categorize Everything

Everything in your home should have space and place. Use bin, wooden or plastic boxes to divide up your things into categories. This may take a little time in the beginning but once you have this down, you will not have to do it again.
It is the same with dresser drawers. You should aim to have everything in one space. Divide your undergarments into small dresser bins to create that separation. Here are some dresser tips you will love:
Think about the kid’s areas and toy and board games. You want to provide access for your kids to be able to play with their things but also keep it organized by having all cars in one bin, blocks in another and barbies in another bin.
Don’t worry if your kids don’t get it right off the bat. If your kids are not able to read yet, use pictures to label each bin but also provide the word of the object underneath so that they will start to learn that word when they look for their toys. Plus your kids are learning to match too.
Step 3 – Use and Return

We want to get the family into the mind frame of when you use something and your done using the item you need to return it to the spot you assigned it. Everything you use needs to be put back to where you found it.
Next, let’s organize your life.

It is so great to have a scheduling system especially when you are a mom. Why? There are a million things to do and sometimes you just have to map and plan it out. What is the best way to schedule? My answer… it is the one you will actually use. I say this because we are all different and like doing things differently so regardless of being a mom we are going to schedule differently and what best works for you and your family.

It is good to have a routine for kids, it gives them a structure that they need to know when they hit school age and work life. So having a routine at home is not a huge deal. I no longer create time by time schedule because it’s hard to maintain every single day but routines are better.

Now I love preparing my son’s lunches and snacks on Sundays. I spend time working on at least 3-4 lunches ahead of time so that I don’t need to be doing it every day and only need to focus on making breakfast and packing his lunch bag. Done!
Final Thoughts
Related: How to Successfully Shift Your Decluttering Mindset (VIDEO)

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