One of the reasons why I love organizing is because it can relieve stress. How can organizing relieve stress? Well today, I am going to show you how it can and the best ways to manage it.
Remember that organizing is for everyone. Anyone can get organized, you just need to start so if you are interested in getting your life more organized you have come to the right place. It has provided a less stressful environment for my life and home and I want you to gain that as well.
Less Clutter

Having clutter can cause a lot of stress. It makes your home and life feel like it is in a constant mess which is so discouraging especially after a long day of work. It can be exhausting to always clean up the same things over and over again or have things fall at your feet when you open a cabinet door.
Yes, clutter can be a strain to have to deal with all the time so it is best to go through your belongs to see what you really need and what you don’t need.
If decluttering sounds overwhelming for you, start small. You don’t have to do your entire home in one shot. You can take your time, decide on one part of your home and go from there. What really matters is that you clear the clutter and remove the stress of seeing it all the time. Grab yourself a garbage bag or donation bag and walk around your home and start collecting things. Before you know it you will start seeing progress.
Related:Â How to Easily Declutter Your Home in the Next 5 Days
Everything Has A Place

Create a plan of action to make your home more liveable. Everything in your home should have a place. Use containers, baskets and bins to create categories. By doing this you are creating a limit of the number of things you can have in a space. This will limit your ability to buy more than you need and give you a system to follow.
You will start seeing what you have, what you use and what you don’t use. Plus putting this in place will give you the freedom to find your things at any given time limiting the stress of having to dig to find everyday items.
Related:Â What is the Brilliant Method to Decluttering Your Home
Preparation is Key
When you have your life’s daily tasks already prepared for you, you will have less stress having to worry about it. Personally, for me, I love creating a week’s worth of school lunches for my son that way it is something to worry less about. I know some families like to do the same thing for dinners such as freezer meals already prepared or completed for them.
Manage To-Do Lists

I love a great to-do list but sometimes we put too many things on our lists. We pour out everything on it and then find ourselves getting overwhelmed when we see the number of things we need to get done. When you pour out everything you need to do, make that your master list but not your main list. Create a separate list just for things you need to do today. That means, ask yourself what is a non-negotiable (aka high priority) thing you need to do today and make that your to-do list for the day.
Related:Â How To Start Organizing Your Life For Newbies
Add Self-Care to Your Routine

Once you have been able to lessen your stress by being prepared. You can add in some well-needed self-care to your routine. Think about adding in some meditation sessions, prioritize your sleep, eat healthier and make time for fun. These are very easy to be added to your routine when you have a more organized life and home. It is one of the best ways to manage your stress even when your life feels unorganized. For more ways on how you can add self-care to your life check out –Â 15 Self-Therapy Tips to Keep You Calm on the Most Stressful Days.
Final Thoughts
We talked about how organizing can relieve stress. One way is by having less clutter you can open the door to your home happy because it feels cleaner. Having everything in its place around your home, making dinners or lunches ahead of time gives your everyday routine preparation because it is done for you.
Also with the bonus of knowing where everything you need is. Remember to focus on just the high priority things you need to do for the day instead of overwhelming yourself or forcing yourself to do everything. Lastly, don’t forget to add some self-care to your routine to really help you relieve stress.
Related:Â How To Relieve Stress When Youre Hit Your Absolute Lowest