I have been using my Honest Company Deodorant Spray for a few weeks now and I love it! No surprise there since I love their products. I been hearing that many have been looking… searching…testing many natural products for a great all natural deodorant. They all are looking for one thing in particular… that it works. It never really crossed my mind to use one as strange as that seems but I guess like most people I just took the brand that I normally use and continued the cycle never ever thinking about what is in it or how it could affect my body.
Did you know that the stick form of deodorant can clog your pores? I know that I didn’t. What I like about this product this that it doesn’t leave those annoying white stains on my clothing. You simply spray and go. The scent smells different than what I am used to (I always would buy vanilla-scented deodorant) but it does smell good. With ingredients such as Water/Aqua, Witch Hazel, Aloe, Mandarin Orange, Lemon, Tea Tree, Sage, Lavender and more you can guarantee that this had all the right ingredients to help you throughout your day.
butylene glycol, parabens, phthalates, fragrances,
triclosan, talc, steareth-n, silica, silicones,
dyes & most common allergens
If you don’t believe me that this is as good as it seems then try it for yourself. You know that I love me some Honest Company products. See what’s all the commotion is about for yourself like their Diapers and Wipes Bundle, Essentials bundle, Health and Wellness bundle and their new Organic Infant Formula and DHA Bundle! Why not check out more eco-friendly, all natural and overall amazing products that you can be proud of with no worries. Want to try a sample? I have an invitation just for to get your own free sample pack. Here is your invitation from me http://honest.com/accept_invitation/70253 Â

This sounds really good….one of the only things I struggle with going all natural is deodorant the other is toothpaste…TFS…#productreviewparty
Yeah I hear that a lot but honest company has both and they are really good 🙂
Does it help you with wetness protection all day? #ProductReviewParty
It works really well all day for me, it for sure has wetness protection. However I haven't tried it out in the gym or anything but I personally don't have to reapply it. It may be different for others but for me it works well all day.
I like it, I just got it with my subscription this month.
Enjoy Brandy 🙂
[…] my last post about Honest’s Deodorants, I had questions like, ‘Does it work when working out?‘. I have used it when I was […]