Homework organizer time! Are you expecting this or has this already happen to you this year? “I have homework somewhere in my backpack” and after a handful of digging and when almost everything is pulled out, the homework it looks as if someone crunched it up in a snowball. Yeah, those are the days but since then there have been very clever ways of getting homework or documents to sign to you, almost wrinkle free.
Teacher Homework Organizer Trick
I actually decided to use a folder throughout my school year (I have a tendency to make myself sound older than I really am… you will get used to it. It’s apart of an old soul syndrome lol) My sibling’s teacher actually clips their agenda so that whatever needs to go home can easily stay in their agenda. Also, it works as a fantastic bookmark as well. You will always be on the correct page of your agenda with this trick.
My Homework Organizer Idea
Since their teacher does that idea. I decided to use the homework folders more targeted for my mom. Yes, moms have their homework as well. We have so many things to sign at times or information to take in. Thinks to buy, lunch form requests and field trips. Lots of information. All the time. Plus, who else has to make sure homework is completed properly and field trip forms are signed? I let the kiddies choose which folder they wanted.